What Are Electromagnetic Fields And How Do They Affect Us

Technological advances are the main causes of more exposure to electromagnetic fields. However, for these to affect the body, a prolonged exposure time is required that experts have not yet been able to define. This is discussed below.

Computers, mobiles, plugs, microwaves, electrical outlets, wifi, etc. They are devices that are used daily to make life easier; however, they generate electromagnetic fields around them that can negatively affect health. They can cause problems such as insomnia, anxiety, allergies, dry skin, among others.

In general, you are exposed to a combination of weak electric and magnetic fields. This occurs at home and at work, from those that generate and transmit electricity, through household appliances and industrial equipment, to those produced by telecommunications and radio and television broadcasting.

What are electromagnetic fields in themselves? How do they affect us? What are the most common? How to avoid being exposed to them? These questions are answered below.

What are electromagnetic fields?

According to this report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), the environment in which we live today is full of electromagnetic fields everywhere; however, they are invisible to the human eye, in fact, they always have been.

Some natural sources generate these fields, but there are also others that are justified by the use of technology and modern advances. For example, to verify if someone has broken a bone, X-rays are used, or something simpler is the constant use of the Internet, either on the computer or mobile. This exposes people to electromagnetic fields.

Likewise, the electricity that comes from an electrical outlet is associated with low frequency electromagnetic fields. Various types of higher frequency radio waves are used to transmit information, either through television antennas, radio stations, or mobile phone base stations.

Paladin27 office

Among them are mentioned

  • Fatigue.
  • Sickness.
  • Suicides.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depressions
  • Headaches.
  • Loss of libido

How can we avoid them?

A perhaps utopian option is to go to live isolated in the middle of nature, in an ecological house and without any type of electrical connection. But this option is almost impossible for most people.

However, there are some recommendations that could be followed. In addition to trying to avoid being surrounded by an excess of electrical devices or using the internet by cable – especially in the bedroom and in the areas of the house where you spend more hours – there are some ways to get rid of electromagnetic charges.

  • Walk barefoot on the sand of the beach or also on the ground or grass, at least for an hour.
  • It is also believed that hugging a tree for at least 15 minutes could help discharge them.
  • Sleep with a natural sheep wool blanket under the bed, as it acts as an insulator
  • Acquire products that isolate electromagnetic waves (there are, for example, some for mobile phones)
  • Use copper to make natural insulators (clothing with copper wire, copper bracelets, etc.), since copper has protective properties against these waves.

ecocasa phototouring electromagnetic fields

Do you want to prove it?

For the most skeptical people it is suggested to do an experiment:

  • Every day for a month you can boil water in the microwave.
  • Then, when it is warm, it can be used to water two similar plants, one with water heated in the microwave and then cooled and the other with tap water.
  • After a while, it will be possible to observe how each one of them evolve. It is possible that the one that is watered with the microwave water will not survive and may not develop in a healthy way.

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