How To Make A Potato Mask And What Are Its Benefits

The potato mask is an ideal remedy to end acne while hydrating the skin and, thanks to its antioxidants, we fight aging premature

The potato is a food that is part of the regular diet of millions of people around the world. Its versatility and high content of essential nutrients make many prefer it over other ingredients. What some still do not know is that it can also be useful as a beauty treatment, especially in what has to do with skin care.

As we know that many have not tried it for this type of purpose, below we want to share the recipe for a homemade mask and its incredible benefits. Ready to try it?

The potato

Potato juice contains important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant substances. These  nourish and repair to give a renewed appearance to the skin.

In addition, for hundreds of years it has been used as a remedy against sunburns, blemishes and other imperfections that affect the quality of the dermis. Therefore, we cannot miss this cheap remedy that can be easily purchased in any store or supermarket.

Homemade potato mask to take care of the skin


Potatoes have anti-inflammatory substances, acids, enzymes, and microelements that act on the skin to reduce blemishes. These can be used through raw slices, or by preparing a puree from cooked potatoes.

In this mask we propose to do it by cooking. This method allows us to obtain a creamy paste that facilitates its application.


  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g) (optional)

How to prepare it?

  • To start, peel the potatoes and cook them in water until they soften and can be mashed.
  • Then, when they acquire the desired texture, take a fork and mash them until obtaining a puree.
  • Then add the tablespoons of honey and the juice of half a lemon.
  • Finally, stir all the ingredients so that they are well incorporated.
  • In case of dry skin, you can add a tablespoon of olive oil to increase its moisturizing action.

Application mode

  • First, cleanse the face with warm water and a mild soap to remove dirt and makeup.
  • Dry it well and proceed to apply the mask until it is completely covered.
  • Afterwards, leave it to act for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Try to use it only at night because the lemon leaves the skin sensitive to the sun.

What are the benefits of this potato mask?

The homemade potato mask can be used both on the face and in other areas of skin care. The nutrients it provides serve to regenerate, avoid excess dead cells and achieve a healthy appearance.

Its main benefits include:

Moisturizes dry skin

Potatoes contain unsaturated fatty acids. These  maintain the natural moisture of cell membranes to prevent dryness.

Its continuous use preserves the natural oils of the dermis. At the same time, it prevents imperfections from developing due to its alterations.

Nourishes the complexion

One of the reasons it is recommended for skin care is because it contains antioxidants. These components slow down and reverse premature signs of aging.

In addition, its vitamins and minerals increase the production of collagen and elastin. These prevent the appearance of crow’s feet and the loss of elasticity.

Fight bad smell

We can add a little antibacterial essential oil to the potato mask. In this way, it helps to avoid excess sweating and bad body odors.

We can use some of these essential oils in small amounts so as not to irritate the skin:

  • Tea tree.
  • Lavender.
  • Lemon.
  • Eucalyptus.

Soft hands

The potato leaves the hands soft

By applying this product on the hands there are also important benefits. For example, the reduction of spots, deep hydration and the removal of dead cells.

Its nutrients restore the damage caused by aggressive cleaning products and constant contact with various surfaces. With consistency, our hands will once again be soft and smooth.

Calms irritation

This potato mask can be applied on sensitive skin. The explanation is that it  does not cause allergic reactions and serves to control irritation.

It is ideal for calming the symptoms of skin infections. It is also effective for insect bites or sunburns.

Cleans pores

Potato cleanses pores

This treatment can be used as an alternative to commercial cleansing creams. It penetrates the pores and helps eliminate impurities that accumulate in them.

As a result, you will get a smoother skin free of those unsightly blackheads in the “T” zone. However, we must apply it once a week, at least, for a month.

Fight dark circles and bags

Finally, the anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of the potato are useful for the eye contour. They help  treat those unsightly bags and dark circles that make your face look tired.

Still not taking advantage of all the benefits of this ingredient? Prepare this natural mask and see for yourself that you can take care of yourself without spending too much.

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