7 Creative Hobbies That Will Make You Smarter And More Productive

We can choose those creative hobbies that best suit our possibilities and make the most of each of them, since in all cases they will help us to unblock us.

Productivity can be diminished due to stress and many other factors that make us pace too fast. Therefore, it is convenient that we know (and take advantage of) various creative hobbies. Do you know which ones they are?

Being smart and productive at all times is something that, today, we all want. Either to achieve a certain goal (a good job, a promotion, a home or other material good) or to maintain an environment that not only provides well-being, but is also socially well regarded.

However, as much as we want to, we cannot always be “smart and productive.” We must respect our own rhythm and know how to slow down in some moments, so as not to exhaust ourselves and to be able to recover. In those moments, it is good for us to rest and clear the mind.

Creative hobbies to help you be smarter and more productive

There are many activities that can relax you, have fun, and provide you with well-being, as well as helping you recharge your “batteries.”

Painting, playing an instrument, singing, dancing, drawing, writing, and playing board games are the main creative hobbies, but they are not the only ones available.

Creating and listening to playlists, designing a hiking trail to walk with your pet or creating a photo board in an application is also valid.

1. Meditation

Creative hobbies include meditating.

This could be one of the easiest ways to indulge in creative hobbies. It not only helps to distract you, but also allows you to stay healthy, more focused and improve your immune system .

Meditation is a great way to eliminate anxiety, depression, negative feelings, and stress. This allows you to optimize your productivity in a general way.

2. Play video games

It doesn’t matter how many times your parents or partner get angry because you play video games, this is a hobby that could reduce your stress.

Video games are a creative hobby that can help you improve your cognitive flexibility and decision making in real time . This not only makes you a better player. It also prepares you to handle heavy workflow and make important decisions faster.

However, try not to become a time thief, because you do not want to generate an addiction and suffer its consequences.

3. Embroider or knit

Although it may seem a bit crazy, many people find embroidery great pleasure for their minds. Embroidery is one of the creative hobbies that you can do on the go in conjunction with another activity.

You can knit while you take care of your children, you wait for the Dinner or while watching a movie.  

It is a relatively simple hobby, as well as enjoyable.   It allows you to stimulate your creativity and play with many  possibilities. From embroidering a coat, to decorating a piece of fabric with different pearls, threads and sequins.

4. Give things a new use

Have you heard of upcycling and other trends whose main objective is to “give things a new life”? Yes, turning trash into something useful again is one of the creative hobbies you can do from home.

In the comfort of your home, you can renovate some things that you would consider “junk” and turn them into a treasure that you will want to have with you for a long time. Believe it or not, upcycling is a hobby that you quickly become addicted to.

5. Hiking, another option within creative hobbies

You don’t need to be a pro mountain climbing or extreme sports to be smarter and more productive. On the contrary, you can take any of these types of activities as a weekend hobby that you can take advantage of to get out of the routine, without pressure.  

Over time you can explore other levels of difficulty, depending on how you feel. But remember that the important thing is that you free your mind, lower your stress levels, enjoy the experience and let its benefits overwhelm you. 

Although hiking is not a creative exercise as such – as dance, singing, writing or painting might be understood -, it can contribute to the stimulation of it in various ways. Don’t we create or design hiking trails? Don’t we create playlists to listen to as we walk the trail?

6. Cycling

Creative hobbies include riding a bike.

Cycling is another hobby that will help you maintain both physical and mental well-being. Improves memory -because it facilitates the accumulation of new brain cells in the hippocampus region-, allows you to be more productive – by increasing your levels of Energy- , develops creative thinking and helps avoid blockages.

If you combine it with some mindfulness, the benefits could be multiplied.

From writers to musicians, many have taken advantage of cycling to have fun and let their ideas flow again.   Also, fresh air helps you improve problem solving skills to a great extent.

7. Climb

Moving your body to the beat of music while dancing or doing yoga is on the list of most popular creative hobbies. However, it is possible to enjoy many other options for catharsis.

Do you tend to practice various creative hobbies and want to try something different to help you be smarter and more productive? In that case, give escalation a try.

The best thing about climbing is that you don’t need to go up a mountain. Today there are many centers where you can find walls to climb and have a good time.

Rock climbing is a very complete exercise for your body. It will not only help you maintain 100% physical fitness, but it will also It will improve your cognitive ability and it will bring you emotional and psychological benefits.

Climbing rocks improves your ability to set goals while allowing you to reduce stress, improve your confidence and be more persistent.

Let’s do it!

From the list of creative hobbies you can choose the one that catches your eye and the one that best suits you (and your lifestyle), but remember that from time to time it is good to try different options. You will see how this will add new experiences to you!

Paint, write, dance, create things with items you have around the house, take time to pamper your plants, walk with your pet, listen to music, design a walking route, and combine the activities that you like the most to maximize the fun! ! The rules are up to you!

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