Self-confidence: Start Betting On Yourself

Even if we fail a thousand times, self-confidence will help us persevere in our goals. Remembering the achievements we have achieved is one of the guidelines to consider.

At some point, we’ve all felt like a failure, even a defeat. This does not mean that we do not have self-confidence, although it is true that it may be a sign that we have it somewhat abandoned.

And it is that this confidence in ourselves is important because it is directly related to our purposes and the choices we make under certain circumstances.

In fact, studies such as the one developed by Francisco Herrera and his team indicate that optimal levels of self-confidence allow more efficient decision-making in cases of extreme or emergency situations.

Therefore, self-confidence can give us the impetus we need to fight for our goals, without losing sight of our strengths and where our own limits are.

If you are wondering how to approach this issue, read the recommendations below.

Keys to improve self-confidence related to your results

Learn from failures

Too often we think that failure is something humiliating, something that should set us back or that we should be ashamed of.

But learning is a process that occurs by trial and error. After a success, the right answer is consolidated. On the other hand, mistakes lead us to make new attempts and to vary strategies to reach the goal.

Failure is nothing more than an opportunity to progress. It is a way of redirecting our path incorporating the necessary changes to overcome difficulties.

Focus on your achievements

Sometimes betting on yourself is not so easy, especially when we stumble over one obstacle after another. Although we have learned that failures are positive and necessary for learning, we fail to advance and it is as if we continually hit a wall.

When this happens, which has probably happened to you more than once, don’t worry. Try to look at the successes you have obtained, yes, without underestimating them!

Look at even those small achievements that you have made, because they have all made a difference. Doing this will serve as a support to propel you out of that pothole you are in now.

What’s more, the impediments are not always real, since many times what weighs us down is the approach with which we interpret the events. Try, then, to focus on what you have achieved to regain security and move on.

Avoid comparisons

As we discussed at the beginning, we all have different strengths and weaknesses. We are all different, so if we compare ourselves to others, there will always be someone who will lose out.

Instead, self-confidence lies in seeing oneself as someone who does not need to be “copying” others. We are unique and the comparison will only generate more insecurity.

Therefore, the key is to try to improve ourselves, by virtue of our own standards and not those of other people.

Keys to improve self-confidence related to your goals

If you want something you can try

It is clear that not everything can be done well and that sometimes we have limitations to address some aspects of life.

But if you really want to do something, what’s stopping you from getting to work? Perhaps in that confidence that you could have in yourself other factors interfere, most of them are, in addition, quite subjective.

For example, if you place a lot of importance on what others say or feel ashamed because you think it will cost you more than others, it may be time to analyze those conflicts.

Working for what we are passionate about is a direct boost to our self-confidence, since, as we tackle new challenges, it will be rewarded.


Set realistic goals

There is no use wanting to increase our self-confidence if we set unattainable goals. That is why it is essential to set ourselves challenges that we can carry out, so that we can direct our efforts towards viable projects with the resources we have available.

In this sense, both short-term goals and those that we set ourselves in a longer time over time are important, as pointed out in a recent article by the Institute of Marketing and Management of the University of Bern.

The specific milestones that we are reaching to reach the final goal provide us with small feedback about our execution, increasing the security we feel when faced with a certain task and the motivation to persist in it.


Bet on you

One of your priorities will be precisely to bet on yourself, because self-confidence is something that develops consciously. Of course, it will be natural that at times doubts assail you or that on certain days your attitude is more pessimistic.

In spite of everything, try to remember the guidelines we have talked about and try to stand firm. Over time you will see that betting on you is an investment in which you can win.


Do you dare to take care of your self-confidence?

With these keys we have reviewed some strategies that are useful when it comes to increasing our self-confidence.

Learning from mistakes and enjoying the achievements obtained, as well as forgetting about comparisons and trying to undertake realistic plans are fundamental actions in this process.

Will you start betting on yourself today?

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