7 Types Of Conflicts And How To Solve Them

If couple arguments have become a daily routine in your relationship, it is important that you put the brakes on it. We give you the keys to analyze what may be happening.

Arguments, even if they are not to anyone’s liking, do happen. Sometimes due to misunderstandings, sometimes due to different opinions or even ignorance. The point is that you have to know how to deal with them, hence knowing the types of conflicts we can face is key to solving what happened.

In this case, we will focus on couple conflicts, although it is true that most of them are also present in other relationships. The important thing is not to allow them to become a habit, since they can end up damaging even the healthiest and most honest relationship. With that said, let’s see which conflicts are the most common.

What types of relationship conflicts exist?

The behaviors and attitudes that we have in a relationship (as well as those of the other, because a couple is made up of two people) can determine its success or failure. Thus, it is important to pay attention to the common problems that we face. They are as follows.

Man arguing with his partner

1. Criticize

Although there are so-called “constructive criticisms”, the truth is that no one likes to be told that they have made a continuous mistake, especially when those words are spoken by their partner. Therefore, criticism can generate a conflict.

Blaming the other for their character, personality, actions or thoughts is as if we were attacking them directly. Although there is a part that depends on how the other person takes things, the truth is that an attitude is too negative. Hence, it is advisable to express suggestions or opinions rather than blame and criticize.

2. Have insurmountable differences

Nobody says that a couple should agree on everything (something that would also be practically impossible). However, there are certain differences that make a dent in the relationship and that are sometimes insurmountable.

Without a doubt, this is one of the types of conflicts that many couples must face. The different life goals can range from having children or not, the type of diet, the political ideology or even the place chosen to live.

The power of these details should not be underestimated because if they accumulate, they can become much bigger inconveniences. Therefore, talking about each other’s priorities and values ​​throughout the relationship is important. 

3. Despise

Acting as if one is better than the other often has negative consequences. Insulting, talking to the partner as a “subordinate” or not appreciating small details are very serious disrespect.

For example, indicating that the food one has prepared is horrible, that he does not know how to change a light bulb or that he is not good in bed are ways of despising the other. What is this air of superiority about?

And pay attention, because this attitude can undermine the self-esteem of the other person, in addition to generating a kind of self-belief that the other is always right. In these cases, humility is the most important thing. No one is better than anyone.

4. Being sexually dissatisfied

Another of the most common types of conflicts at the couple level has to do with what happens (or not) in bed. Regardless of some untreated trauma, taboo, or dysfunction, many relationships survive without fully enjoying sexuality.

As a first step, accept that there is an intimate problem and seek help. Sometimes it is as simple as sitting down to talk about sex (even if it seems uncomfortable) or finding the right time to promote an intimate encounter.

Sexual problems in couples are more common than we think and to solve them it is advisable to go to therapy.

5. Failure to communicate properly

It is one of the types of conflicts that could not be missing in this list and that generates more problems than we think. Not saying what we feel or want is counterproductive. Silences and the fact of closing ourselves in on ourselves increasingly distance us from our partner.

However, sometimes the problem is not that serious, since the lack of communication can also be based on more trivial issues. For example, having dinner with the television on, going for a walk together but not stopping looking at your cell phone, etc.

Angry couple

6. Think differently about money

The monetary issue is one of the main causes of fights in the couple. Conflict can be triggered in different ways. For example, when one of the two earns more; when expenses are over budget and even when priorities are not equal.

If for one certain objects or services are indispensable and for the other they are not, there may be discussions about economic aspects. And not to mention saving and how to use it in the future.

7. The education of children

It is very normal for children to be the cause of conflict in the couple. When it comes to educating, although it is true that parents tend to agree, many times it collides in certain aspects. 

It is important that you learn to resolve these types of situations assertively and peacefully; if possible, when the children are not in front. Listening to each other and sharing your points of view is essential.

Be in different tunes

There are times when you are simply on different lines with your partner. In these cases, it is important to sit down and talk in order to reach a solution.

Otherwise, conflicts will become more and more common and will likely end up destroying the relationship. Therefore, you have to consider whether you really want to reach that level.

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