Cervicobrachialgia: That Pain That Goes From The Neck To The Arm

The name may bother us a bit, but cervicobrachialgia is more common than we think. It is a pain in the cervical area that originates in the neck and spreads through the spinal cord to reach the arm and even the fingers.

It is very disabling. However, a common misconception regarding this ailment is that it is believed to only affect people who play sports. Factors such as stress or chronic anxiety and even osteoarthritis lead to such painful disorders.

The good news is that it can usually be solved with drugs. However, in the most serious cases there is no choice but to resort to surgery.

Next, we suggest you learn more about this problem that is not usually talked about too much.

Cervicobrachialgia: when any movement turns into pain

Moving the head, reaching for an object, sitting down, reading, lying down… And even breathing, everything is done with great suffering. Cervicobrachialgia has its main focus on the spine. We are not facing a simple whiplash or a contracture, it is much more than that.

Let’s imagine the upper area of ​​the spine. It is the one that goes from vertebra C1 to C7, which are precisely the smallest. Within the vertebrae there are also ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerve fibers … When one of these areas becomes inflamed, pain reaches different areas of the body.

Thus, it is common for the inflammation to start in the spine and reach a shoulder, scapula, arms and even the chest.

Cervicobrachialgia has multiple causes.

How does a cervicobrachialgia originate?

  • Traumatic injuries One of the main causes of cervicobrachialgia are injuries caused by an accident or by playing a sport. Muscle dislocations, fractures, sprains or tears are usually the main causes.
  • Likewise, prolonged periods of stress and anxiety also lead to this problem. In these cases, it is important to seek psychological support to be able to release both emotional and physical tension, as this will alleviate the discomfort and make the physical treatment that is given much more effective.
  • Inflammatory processes, such as rheumatism, can also cause it.
  • On the other hand, people affected by degenerative diseases – such as osteoarthritis –  can also develop cervicobrachialgia over time.
  • Nor can we ignore some infectious processes such as tuberculosis, for example.

What symptoms do you have?

Surely you have heard someone say that of “it is as if I had a dagger in the back” . In a way, it is something similar. Only, in addition to that central focus, the pain radiates to other areas of the body in the form of very intense heat.

  •  In addition to this described pain, cervicobrachialgia is also characterized by intense cramps, sensitivity disorders, muscle weakness, numbness or a sensation of intense cold or heat, as if it were a burn.
  • Likewise, we may experience headaches, problems moving the neck, sitting down, dizziness, nausea, etc. Almost any movement is accompanied by intense discomfort.

    What treatments are there?

    Hand with codeine pills

    Cervicobrachialgia requires personalized treatment that only health professionals will be able to offer. In general, it is also necessary for the doctor to prescribe some drugs to reduce inflammation.

    For its part, physiotherapy allows to counteract pain and restore the functioning of the extremities.

    Another very suitable technique is hot-cold therapy. Hot showers, water bottles, and even rosemary rubbing alcohol are very effective.

    Nor can we forget that, when we are diagnosed with cervicobrachialgia, it is necessary to rest. Specialists recommend resting on your back, placing the arm where the pain is located just behind the head.

    The  cervicobrachialgia has a good prognosis

    Cervicobrachialgia generally has a good prognosis. This means that people with a good medical history tend to improve within 4 to 6 weeks.

    The essential problem is undoubtedly in those patients suffering from osteoarthritis or arthritis. When we are dealing with chronic diseases, the most common thing is to go through periods of improvement with weeks of intense discomfort.

    If we suffer from any of these ailments, we must take maximum care of our lifestyle. A good diet, moderate exercise and controlling the sources of stress and anxiety can help us.

    In patients with more complex symptoms, surgery can be used. However, it will always be the doctors who make the decision.

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