How To Prepare A Cherry Blossom Tea To Combat Fluid Retention

Cherry blossom tea can help you combat fluid retention, a condition that occurs when there is an abnormal accumulation of fluids in the body’s tissues.

The most obvious symptom is a marked swelling in the joints. However, it can also occur on the abdomen and face.

Among this we find a cherry blossom tea, valued in traditional oriental medicine for its incredible therapeutic properties. It consists of a natural drink with diuretic effects that help relieve edema in the body. Find out!

Why does fluid retention occur?

Fluid retention, also known as edema, as we have said, is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fluids in our body, especially in our joints.

It occurs when the blood vessels deposit too much fluid in the tissues outside the circulatory system or when it is stored without being eliminated through the blood.

As a result, the body looks as if it has gained more weight. In addition, in some cases it causes pain, circulation problems and difficulties in moving the limbs normally.

Fortunately, thanks to the properties of some natural ingredients, we can alleviate and reduce this condition. Therefore, these can be a perfect complement to the treatment that the doctor has given us, helping us to enhance its effects.

Cherry blossom tea benefits

Cherry blossoms are a very popular symbol of Japanese culture. In this they represent the germ of something good to come, as well as the fleeting nature of intense life.

Cherry trees bloom between March and April, just during the spring. Its leaves and flowers are edible and are part of many dishes of oriental cuisine.

At the medicinal level they have been used for thousands of years, although only until a few decades ago it spread to places other than eastern countries.

During the fermentation process they are subjected to, they secrete a significant amount of antioxidants that, after being ingested, can help protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the environment.

Benefits for cardiovascular health

Undoubtedly, its main benefit is in terms of kidney and heart health, since it helps regulate body fluids, while promoting kidney function and reducing the risk of high blood pressure.

This is due to its important potassium content. This nutrient, as various research shows, is essential for our cardiovascular and kidney health. And is that a potassium deficiency is associated with increased blood pressure (directly related to fluid retention) and heart and kidney problems.

Therefore, if we want to promote the function of our kidneys, reduce our blood pressure and thus contribute to eliminating fluids, it is essential that we have adequate levels of potassium. In this sense, the intake of this cherry blossom tea can be of great help.

How to prepare cherry blossom tea to relieve fluid retention?

How to prepare cherry tea for fluid retention

The development of a cherry blossom tea is quite simple and can be done whenever you feel the need to remove excess liquid. Likewise, it should be mentioned that this is also the best way to take advantage of the rest of its health properties.


  • 7 tablespoons of dried cherry blossoms (70 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • First, bring a liter of water to boil with the dried cherry blossoms and, when it reaches a boil, lower the heat and let the decoction cook for 15 more minutes.
  • After the recommended time, remove it and let it rest until it cools down.
  • Finally, filter the liquid through a strainer to separate the flowers and serve it.

Consumption mode

  • The liter of tea has to be divided into three servings a day, one after each main meal.
  • You can take it for as long as you like, even if you no longer suffer from fluid retention, as a prevention.
  • If you like, you can sweeten it with a teaspoon of natural honey.


  • Due to its diuretic effect, patients with hypotension should ingest it wisely, under medical supervision.
  • It is not recommended for those with kidney failure or digestive problems, such as diarrhea.
  • Likewise, its administration in young children is not recommended because it can cause indigestion.

    Cherry blossom tea: how to make the most of it?

    Fight fluid retention with these tips

    Fluid retention affects many people and is usually an influencing factor in the appearance of various types of pathologies, such as hypertension. For this reason, we recommend that, at the first symptoms, you go to the doctor to avoid complications.

    In addition, we want to specify that this cherry blossom tea is an adjunct, but not a treatment. This can be an excellent complement to the treatment you follow thanks to its potassium content.

    However, keep in mind that on its own, its effect will not be as strong. It should always be combined with specialized treatment. In addition, we leave you some last recommendations to further enhance its effects:

    • Reduce your salt intake. Sodium is directly associated with fluid retention.
    • Get exercise. We do not want to say that you practice sports, but we do mean some exercises that help you move your joints and stimulate circulation.
    • Try massaging the affected areas. Ideally, you should go to a physical therapist.
    • Elevate the affected area above the heart.
    • Keep the area clean and protected, as it is often sensitive and more prone to damage.

    Fluid retention can be a very annoying problem that affects our quality of life. But, with these tips and the incorporation of this flower tea into your diet, you will see how your condition improves considerably. Go ahead and try it!

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