The Power Of Hugs: Why Are They So Good?

Did you know that a hug is not only a show of affection but also a way to relieve yourself and at the same time relieve another? Yes, the power of hugs revolves around this, that is, a hug is a gesture capable of both physical and emotional relief. So, literally, it is healthy to both give and receive.

At any time we can receive a hug from a friend, family member, partner … But we are not always aware of its benefits as such. Therefore, we will present them below.

Emotional benefits

They are generally considered to help relieve discomforts such as headaches, as well as anxiety, stress, and depression. Additionally, they promote positive emotions and thoughts of acceptance, belonging and bond that contribute significantly to well-being. For all this, it is common for hugs to alleviate a concern, to accompany pain and loss, to combat loneliness and, in a way, inspire to move forward and overcome fears.

Consequently, we have that the power of hugs goes beyond what is perceived with the sense of the cue. They stimulate the senses, provide affection, accompany, protect, soothe, inspire and, in short, encourage.

Physiological benefits of hugs

Indeed, hugging is considered a therapy that generates emotional well-being in general lines, and it is believed that it could even contribute to the cardiovascular system. For example, helping to lower blood pressure.

In fact, scientific studies claim that a hug can help trigger the secretion of certain hormones in the body. Specifically, it could help release endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine, and help lower cortisol levels.

“There is a growing interest in knowing if the oxytocin system participates in behavior and positive psychological adaptation related to growth and restoration processes,” the experts indicate, with which it is understood that oxytocin segregation ─also known as the attachment hormone ─ is positive.

A hug also promotes the secretion of other hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine, which have a sedative effect. Therefore, they produce a feeling of tranquility, well-being and calm. The most interesting thing is that not only does this effect occur while hugging, but it lasts a long time afterwards.

Kathleen Keating, author of Hug Me, affirms that hugs not only help us feel good, but also promote the development of intelligence in children, overcome fears and are an anti-aging factor. In his own words:

Hugs are warm, pleasant, and healthy

A hug between mother and daughter.

There are several benefits of hugs, therefore, they continue to be a reason for research in different areas of science. On the other hand, thanks to the knowledge of these benefits, today there are therapies called “hug therapy”, which serve to help people mitigate negative emotions and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

A hug brings affection, protection, trust, security, strength, and joy. Therefore, take advantage and hug and let yourself be hugged by your loved ones whenever you can!

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