The 7 Minute Workout That According To Science WORKS

Nowadays, if there is something that we do not have, it is time. Finding a type of physical training that is healthy, short and that allows us to stay in shape is not exactly easy. However, there are certain high intensity express routines that we can do, such as the 7 minute workout.

So, we are sure that you have also heard about HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training ) exercise routines or high intensity interval training. These have undoubtedly been a revolution in the world of fitness.

The objectives of this type of exercise are very specific: improve endurance, burn more fat (or rather, burn calories) in short intervals of time, but constant throughout the week. In addition, these routines can improve the body’s ability to oxidize both glucose and fat.

Next we will teach you 7 exercises that, according to a publication in the Health & Fitness Journal , are very suitable to achieve the aforementioned objectives. Keep in mind that discipline, perseverance and consistency in life habits will be essential to be able to appreciate the results.

Considerations prior to the 7 minute daily workout

Girl exercising on the chair.

Before telling you more about the exercises, you need to take into account some questions:

  • If you are not used to exercising often, the last thing you should do is exert excessive physical effort without even warming up.
  • Therefore, before starting any exercise routine, it is recommended that you do a warm-up and stretching session, in this way you will prepare the body for physical activity.
  • It is preferable that you progress little by little and that you be constant from week to week, than that you work hard a week and then do not maintain the routine.
  • Keep in mind that all high intensity exercise should be completed with an aerobic exercise routine. Not just to burn fat, but to improve overall fitness.
  • Therefore, it is highly recommended that at the end of the 7-minute exercise you go for a walk for at least 30 minutes or go for a run, swim, or do any sport or activity of your choice.
  • If you have a physical problem that prevents you from performing some activities, always consult with your doctor what alternatives you have so that you take them into account and avoid anchoring yourself in a sedentary lifestyle.

Remember that, above all, the most important thing is that you start small, maintain the habit of exercising – for your physical and mental health as well as your daily well-being – and do not rush.

7 minute workout chart

Next, we are going to describe 7 very easy exercises to carry out. It is recommended to dedicate a minute of time to each of them.

Each exercise should be done at a high intensity for 20 or 30 seconds. Of course, without forcing yourself excessively, but noting how the muscles work.

1. Scissor jump

It’s fun, easy, and engages a large part of the body, muscles, and joints.

  • Get on firm ground.
  • Your body remains in the form of “open scissors”.
  • Take a breath and jump trying to return to the ground with your legs open and your arms up in a cross position.
  • Now, take a small jump again to return to the original position (feet together, arms relaxed).

Time: 60 seconds, of which 30 must be at high intensity.

2. Back against the wall

Squats against the wall

  • Stand with your back to the wall.
  • Slowly lower your butt, while keeping your back close to the wall and bending your knees with force.
  • You should make a 90 degree angle (see the image above).
  • The idea is to hold this position for a minute: the hips, abdomen, knees and ankles will exert good resistance.

    3. Push-ups

    • The next exercise in the workout is a classic: push-ups.
    • Get on firm ground on your stomach and then, with the help of your arms, lift your torso and hold the position for 5 seconds.
    • Repeat the exercise for a minute.

    4. Face-up push-ups

    If you feel strong, continue the workout adding a little more stamina and strength.

    • Lie on your back and bend your knees.
    • Then, with your arms outstretched, try to incorporate your torso, feeling the force of the exercise in your abdomen.

    The ideal is to do this exercise for a minute, but as we have indicated, the limit is up to you.

    5. One step up

    This is another simple but effective challenge to take care of your figure.

    • A firm and secure stool is necessary.
    • Hands on the waist, then  on the stool: first one foot, then the other.
    • Go back down and repeat the same exercise for a minute.

      6. Strengthening your arms

      • Sit with the stool positioned on your back.
      • Then carefully rest your hands on the stool and sit up slightly for a few seconds.
      • Go back down and repeat the exercise.

      7. Flexion with rotation

      Side plank.

      • Lie on your stomach, feet together. Meanwhile, hold the body firmly with your hands.
      • You will rise as if you were going to perform a normal flexion and then do a rotation with the help of the hip.
      • Turn your body to the side with the help of your arm to balance yourself.
      • Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat on the opposite side.

      Adopt an active lifestyle, according to your needs

      Keep in mind that high intensity exercises are not recommended in all cases. Therefore, if you suffer from any heart disease or other condition, it will always be essential that you consult with your doctor about this 7-minute workout and other similar activities that you want to do.

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