A Sister Is More Than A Friend, She Is Half Of Our Heart

A sister is more than a friend.  The bond we establish with them goes beyond the familiar. She is that companion in battles, that daily and unbreakable pillar that we can always count on.

Despite the fact that there may be some differences, and that the years of childhood or adolescence were, without a doubt, a whole field of competition, discussions, clothes to share and envies to hide, in the end, the years make us understand the importance of this tie.

Often, it is said that the true family is the one that one chooses, without the need for the same genetic code. It’s true, we all know it. However, many times the union that is established with a sister exceeds any relationship.

It is an emotional, biological and intimate connection, so exclusive that, who is lucky enough to have a sister, knows very well that it is a real treasure to care for and value.

A sister, the bond that transcends one’s own family

You may have gone some time without talking to your sister. Life, sometimes, puts us at strange crossroads where pride weighs heavily, or those discrepancies marked by a moment of little tact.

Now, despite the distance and anger, the heart always remains hurt and it is very difficult for us to maintain that separation, that enmity for a long time. At the end of the day it is our little sister, or our older sister, she who always guided us and advised us in the most appropriate way.

A phone call, a few laughs, a memory to evoke and instantly that connection arises again that can never be broken, despite the distance, despite the reproaches. Let us now see how that relationship and that love with our sisters is characterized.

A sister is the other half of the heart.

The same upbringing but with very different characters

It is almost astonishing how, despite having received the same education, having experienced almost the same things, each sister ends up being very different from the other.

There are reactionary and rebellious ones;  They are the ones who taught us to defend our spaces, our rights, to have a voice and to know how to choose what is best for us.

Other sisters, on the other hand, are that sea of ​​calm and balance that always knew how to provide us with shelter and comfort. They are that support in difficult days where we feel heard and understood.

Siblings never have to share the same personality. Just as children are never copies of their parents, siblings tend to have very different interests and very different reactions to the same things. This is also a help and a way to grow, since they can complement each other in many ways.

When words are not necessary

It is not usually necessary to tell a sister that we are wrong when we are face to face with her. The link of emotionality, blood and experience makes you sense almost instantly that something is happening. It is then when that closeness and that concern unfolds that comforts us so much.

Despite the fact that we have friends, a partner and that we have our parents, a sister shares with us a whole legacy of stories and situations that will make her understand very well how she can help us.

Distances don’t matter, neither do differences

It does not matter that there is an ocean in between, that maturity and our stories have forced us to separate to form our own couples. The concern and interest for that sister will always be present.

It is something natural and almost instinctive. Calls, messages … There will always be a way to count on that support, with that continuous interest in the other half of our hearts that we long for so much.

A sister is the other half of the heart.

No one tells us the truth as sincerely as our sister

Perhaps it is the years, or everything that has been shared, but we know very well that our sister will always tell us the truth sincerely and almost “without anesthesia”.

A sister does not feel an obligation to be condescending, still less to please us with false conventions. She knows that sincerity is part of that family bond, and it is, without a doubt, what we always expect from her.

With it we can create very powerful communicative ties, elements that, according to this study carried out by the National University of the Altiplano (Peru), are essential to cultivate healthy and truthful relationships.

A sister will always be more than a friend because we have already gone through many vicissitudes with her. The experience of childhood, sometimes complicated, those failures of youth where we had their support and that maturity to which we have both reached are shared personal triumphs that leave their mark. Marks in the heart …

If at this very moment you are estranged from your sister, due to a small disagreement, keep your pride. Not worth it. Life is much easier than we think, and sibling support is an exceptional gift that we should enjoy every day.

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