What Are Natural Supplements For Nails?

Iron and biotin are some of the minerals and nutrients that improve nail health. Find out what other supplements make you look strong and healthy.

Although they seem like a decorative element, nails have a lot of functions. They are a part of the body that grows on the end of the fingers and are made of dead cells hardened with keratin. However, nails also give signs of health and require specific care that can be specified with natural supplements.

A change in the texture, shape and appearance of the nails can be a sign of disease or a deficit in nutrition, so it is imperative to know the origin of these anomalies. If this is the second case, it is necessary to consume natural supplements that improve the health of the nails and other areas of the body. Find out what they are.


Iron is essential for red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen to the body’s tissues. Since nails require oxygen for healthy growth and appearance, deficiency of this mineral and iron deficiency anemia are responsible for vertical lines and a concave or spoon shape.

Although the doses of the mineral vary according to age and sex, it is recommended that men consume 8 milligrams a day, while women (19 to 50 years) should ingest 18 milligrams daily. After menopause (after age 50), the recommended dose for women is the same as that for men.

There are many natural sources of iron; These include beef, chicken, fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and beans. If a food rich in vitamin C is consumed with one that is a source of iron, the absorption of the mineral is improved.

Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron.

Vitamin C

According to research published in Nutrients , vitamin C increases levels of collagen, a protein molecule that makes up and strengthens important tissues, including hair, teeth, and nails.

Likewise, there is scientific evidence that the lack of the nutrient causes the nails to become brittle and slows down their growth, which is why it is urged to consume sources of vitamin C of natural origin, such as oranges, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers and tomatoes.


Biotin or vitamin B7 is known to stimulate cell development and improve the metabolism of amino acids that are related to nail growth. According to a study published in Cutis , foods and supplements that contain it strengthen brittle nails.

A study with 35 people who had brittle nails also confirmed its effectiveness. Taking 2.5 milligrams of biotin for 6 weeks for 7 months was found to improve the condition by 63%.

Although the recommended daily allowance for biotin has not yet been established, the adequate intake in adults has been set at 30 micrograms per day. Also, it can be obtained from foods such as liver, egg yolks, salmon, dairy products, avocado, sweet potatoes, walnuts, and seeds.

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 favors the absorption of iron and, therefore, the function of red blood cells. According to research published in the American Family Physician , a deficiency in this vitamin can give nails a blue tint with dark brown lines.

To prevent this, an adult needs 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily, which can be ingested through meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy.

Factors that alter the health of the nails

Weak, brittle and yellowish nails can appear due to different factors:

  • Age : aging is accompanied by changes in the nails. Those of the hands become thin and brittle, while those of the feet tend to be thicker and stronger.
  • FungiFungal infections cause nails to lose their strength and thickness.
  • Nutrient deficiency : As we have seen, the lack of some nutrients causes abnormalities in the nails.
  • Hypothyroidism : This thyroid gland disease is characterized by weight gain, hair loss, brittle nails, constipation, and tiredness.
  • Contact with abrasive materials : due to the nature of some jobs, it is necessary to be in contact with substances capable of causing damage to the nails, such as bleach or ammonia. However, overuse of enamel can lead to similar injuries.
  • Diabetes : the poor circulation present in diabetic patients causes the nails to weaken.
  • Raynaud’s syndrome : Since it affects the circulation of the extremities, this disorder can also cause changes in the nails.

Foods that benefit nail health

One of the causes of poor nail condition is poor nutrition. For this reason, certain products rich in those vitamins that are linked to the health of the apricots should be added to the diet. In addition to those already mentioned, we add this list:

  • Red fruits: they are known for being a variety of fruits whose skin or interior has this color. They are rich in vitamin C and have antioxidant properties capable of promoting the absorption of iron and, in turn, strengthen and maintain the health of the nails. Berries include strawberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, and blackberries.
  • Brewer’s yeast: Brewer’s yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used as a nutritional supplement. It is a source of protein and vitamin B, which improves the health of bones, hair and nails.
  • Almonds: almonds are rich in biotin, a nutrient that contributes to the strengthening of brittle nails.
  • Eggs: Since they are a source of biotin, eggs are considered an essential food to combat brittle nails, so that they remain healthy and strong.
Eggs for breakfast as a nutritional supplement for nails.

Other foods that are natural supplements for nails

There are more foods that could provide nutrients to the nails. These are as follows:

  • Salmon: and other fish of the same family of salmonids.
  • Avocado.
  • Green leafy vegetables: chard, lettuce, spinach.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Mollusks: mussels and cockles.
  • Milk.

What to remember about natural nail supplements?

The nails say a lot about the state of health. Brittle appendages can be a sign of old age, fungus or poor diet. In the latter case, it is necessary to include a series of natural supplements that improve them, such as iron, biotin, vitamin C and B12.

Similarly, foods that are a source of these nutrients should be taken into consideration, such as red meat, eggs, berries, green leafy vegetables, almonds, and dairy products.

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