5 Home Remedies For Dermatitis

Did you know that you can prepare some natural alternatives at home that could help you relieve dermatitis? You will be interested in meeting them!

The natural homemade alternatives for dermatitis that we present in this article could help you balance your body.

We must remember that they should always be complementary to the treatment prescribed by the dermatologist. Skin problems are not just a cosmetic issue, as they are exposing an internal health problem. In fact, they can be a symptom of digestive, hormonal, allergic issues, etc.

What is dermatitis?

Dermatitis encompasses all types of skin inflammations, and includes pathologies such as atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, among others.

Those who suffer from these dermatological problems know how annoying they are, to what extent they condition their quality of life and how difficult it is to cure them.

For this reason, it is essential to address dermatitis internally and externally.

Home remedies for dermatitis

Natural and respectful skin care

Caring for the skin in a natural way and respecting its natural pH is extremely important. Those with delicate skin should avoid using conventional products with parabens, detergents or petroleum derivatives.

In that case, we recommend you prepare your own products at home or buy those that are of ecological or artisanal quality.

With this change in your hygiene and cosmetic routine, you will surely be able to notice a great improvement in a short time.

Homemade natural alternatives to treat dermatitis

1. Blue chromotherapy

Health problems that cause inflammation, such as dermatitis, are related to the color red. The opposite color to red is blue. Precisely the color blue is associated with anti-inflammatory properties, according to the healing techniques through color (chromotherapy).

However, we must remember that, in general, naturopathy does not usually have much scientific evidence in this regard. Before using chromotherapy, it is advisable to have received treatment from a dermatologist.

In this sense, we can use this supposed ancient remedy to try to  improve skin inflammation using the healing virtues of blue.

1. We will need a blue glass container, which we will fill with water.

2 . We will expose it to the sun for at least 2 hours.

3. We will take a glass (200 ml) half an hour before each of the three main meals.

blue bottle susanvg

2. Sea water

Another of the home remedies for dermatitis is sea water. Sea water is not only anti-inflammatory, alkalizing and purifying, but it also provides us with part of the minerals we need.

With the help of a wipe moistened in seawater, we will clean the affected skin and let it dry naturally. We will do it when we get up in the morning and before going to bed.

3. Oatmeal


Another alternative that we can apply externally to the skin is oatmeal. This is a medicinal cereal recommended for regular use and consumption thanks to its nutritional values.

If we suffer from dermatitis in an important part of the body, we recommend taking an oatmeal bath.


  • We will boil 500 grams of oat flakes for 3 minutes and, later, we will beat the mixture well.
  • The result will be a thick oat milk that we will add to the bath water.
  • For smaller skin areas or to complete this bath, we can make an oatmeal sponge by introducing the raw flakes of this cereal into a porous, gauze-like fabric, which we will tie with a bow.
  • When we put it in hot water, the oatmeal will dissolve through a gentle massage and will release particles on our skin.

    4. Infusions

    The infusions made with natural plants act internally without greatly altering the balance of the skin. In fact, these plants are usually cleansing and could help us eliminate toxins that are interfering with dermal health:

    • Horse tail
    • Sarsaparilla
    • Nettle

    We can take two or three cups a day and combine or alternate them between them.

    5. Brewer’s yeast

    beer yeast

    Brewer’s yeast has so many beneficial health properties that we can take it as a daily supplement to benefit the intestinal microbiota.

    Besides being a very nutritious and regulating food, brewer’s yeast is a great skin cleanser that is recommended mainly in cases of dermatological problems such as pellagra.

    • We can take it in tablets or powder, mixing it with a smoothie, juice or yogurt.
    • If we take it together with meals, we will improve the assimilation of its nutrients.
    • Some brands market it debittered to soften its flavor.

    Remember: natural remedies do not replace a visit to the doctor or the intake of medications that the specialist may prescribe.

    These home remedies for dermatitis that we share with you can help you relieve symptoms but if you have any questions, consult your doctor.

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