8 Foods High In Copper

Although it is important to consume foods rich in copper, we should not exceed their consumption, since exceeding the recommended amount can also be harmful to health.

When it comes to having a healthy lifestyle, it is vitally important to follow a constant exercise routine, as well as a proper diet. This must provide us with all the nutrients that the body needs. For this reason it is important to include among them foods high in copper content.

This mineral is one of the necessary components in the diet. In addition to promoting the encoding of enzymes, it has many other functions, including:

  • The growth and strengthening of bones.
  • The production of melanin.
  • The regeneration of body tissues.
  • The stability of the immune system.
  • The health of blood vessels.

A copper deficiency can increase your risk of heart problems, according to an article published in the American Journal of Physiology.

However, the healthiest way to obtain it is through diet, not through the use of supplements. Diet foods, in addition to providing this component, will also provide other benefits to the body.

What are foods high in copper?

Next we will tell you which are the foods that have a high content of copper and other essential nutrients for the body. Take note so that you take them into account when making the purchase!

1. Seafood and fish

fish-shellfish with high copper content

Seafood is one of the foods with the highest copper content that can be found.

Some other marine species also stand out, such as tuna, squid, lobster, haddock, oysters, salmon and sardines.

Likewise, these foods are also characterized by being an excellent source of:

  • Proteins.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Zinc, selenium and iron.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.

These nutrients, according to a study published in 2017, help prevent cardiovascular diseases, as well as improve the efficiency of the immune system.

2. The meats

Although some types of meat should be eaten in moderation, most of them provide an enormous amount of benefits to the human body. Especially beef, pork, turkey and chicken, including their livers.

These foods promote the health of the body, as they provide:

  • Minerals (Iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium).
  • Vitamins A, B12 and E.

Meats facilitate the construction and regeneration of body tissues, in addition to promoting the maintenance of health and the prevention of diseases.

3. The eggs

How many eggs should I eat to be high in copper?

The egg is a product composed of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

As with meat, it is one of the foods with a high copper content, capable of helping to preserve bone health and optimizing immune function.

4. The spices

Some spices that are often used daily in cooking to flavor food can be high in copper. It is the case of:

  • The mustard.
  • Chili powder.
  • Dill and curry.
  • Cloves.
  • Celery seeds.
  • Cumin and saffron.
  • Mint and coriander leaves.

Introducing them regularly in the kitchen is beneficial. Spices contain high amounts of phytonutrients that perform anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic functions in the body.

5. Fruits, vegetables and greens

Eat organic vegetables that are high in copper.

It is no secret to anyone that these foods are the basis of a good diet. They have the ability to offer us many essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the physiological reactions that occur in the human body.

Among the fruits, vegetables and vegetables that are characterized by being foods with high copper content are:

  • The soy.
  • The lemon.
  • The black berry.
  • The bananas.
  • The apricot.
  • The mushrooms.
  • Guava and pineapple.
  • Rabános and beans.

6. The nuts

In addition to being an excellent source of copper, nuts provide the body with iron and fatty acids, which help keep the skin, hair, and nails in a healthy state.

To take advantage of these benefits we must consume:

  • Almonds and peanuts.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Pistachios and pine nuts.
  • Hazelnuts and walnuts.

7. Drinks

How to make high copper black tea

Some beverages can also be a good way to get copper into your diet. They offer a supply of antioxidants to the body without requiring a difficult preparation. Among them we find:

  • Black tea.
  • Cocoa
  • The coffee.

Despite not containing a large amount of copper, constantly ingesting small amounts is more than enough to help maintain health.

8. The seeds

Among other foods considered a rich source of copper are the seeds of:

  • Pumpkin.
  • Watermelon.
  • Sesame.
  • Flax.
  • Sunflower.

In addition, these seeds also provide large amounts of proteins, minerals (potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium) and vitamins (A, B and E).

Optimize your diet to improve your health

When planning a balanced diet, it is essential to guarantee the correct supply of all micronutrients. One of them is copper, with important applications within the framework of health.

To ensure that this mineral is at optimal levels, you can emphasize the consumption of the list of foods rich in copper that we have just mentioned. However, remember that a healthy diet is characterized by its variety.

For this reason, you should not make food group restrictions. It is also beneficial for the body to combine a correct diet with the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis.

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