When Being Strong Is Your Only Option

There are times in life when nothing goes right. Everything begins to turn against you and you cannot do anything to avoid it. But, before all this, something happens that you may not be aware of: you will discover that being strong is your only option.

The most common is that life presents difficulties that allow us to learn not to give up. It is true that your interior will scream with helplessness and that you will wonder why everything has to happen to you. But despite this, you will discover that you can handle this and much more. You just have to be strong.

The story of the two frogs

To illustrate this concept of strength and resistance, we recover a short story by Jorge Bucay, the story of two frogs who found themselves in a serious predicament.

“Once upon a time, there were two frogs that fell into a bowl of cream. They immediately felt that they were sinking; it was impossible to swim or float for a long time in that thick mass like quicksand. At first, the two of them kicked in the cream to get to the edge of the container but it was useless, they only managed to splash in the same place and sink. They felt that it was getting harder and harder to surface and breathe.

One of them said aloud:

-I can not anymore. It is impossible to get out of here, this matter is not for swimming. Since I’m going to die, I don’t see why prolong this pain. I do not understand what is the point of dying exhausted by a sterile effort.

And with that said, she stopped kicking and sank quickly, being literally swallowed up by the thick white liquid.

The other frog, more persistent or perhaps more stubborn, said to himself:

-There’s no case! Nothing can be done to advance this thing. However since death comes, I prefer to fight until my last breath. I don’t want to die a second before my time comes.

And he kept kicking and splashing always in the same place, without advancing an inch. Hours and hours!

Suddenly … from so much kicking and shaking, shaking and kicking … the cream turned into butter.

The surprised frog jumped up and skidded to the edge of the boat. From there, he only had to go croaking happily back home ”.

woman and vertigo

Never give up, being strong is your only option

Is there any use to give up? We all have a survival instinct that urges us to persevere, although many people abandon themselves to fate like the first frog did. In perseverance and resistance is the key.

It is true that sometimes we give up early because we don’t have the necessary pressure. But imagine one of the worst situations you’ve ever been through or could have ever experienced. Right now, you only have two options left: let go or be strong.

In fact, sometimes we have no choice but to be strong. This happens to many people who think of their loved ones, especially parents who have children in their care. They know that their only option is to be strong because if they collapse, they will not be the only ones who will fall.

You will go through many complicated situations throughout your life. There are people who drop to the bottom and then have no other option than to get up; others fight from the outset and others abandon themselves to adversity.

Never give up because the best is yet to come.  Now you are having a hard time, you are suffering a circumstance that seems to have no end. But it is not a dead end, even if it seems like it. Sooner or later, with patience and perseverance, a light will appear. That is when everything will be better.

Think that everything passes, that nothing is permanent. Persevere, fight, wait … Everything has a solution, nothing lasts forever.

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