Natural Remedies To Eliminate Intestinal Parasites

Parasites are much more common than we think. Also, they are difficult to diagnose. The symptoms they cause can be confused with other things, such as excess appetite, tiredness or anxiety.

Discover in this article which are the best natural remedies to eliminate parasites effectively. In addition, these pathogens are related to some neuronal diseases, so they should be known and prevented.

We present the most common symptoms of parasite infections.  We also present the foods and natural remedies that help us to treat them naturally.

Symptoms of parasites

  • Appetite disorders (excess or lack of hunger) Puffy eyes
  • Anxiety and nervousness.
  • Itching on the tip of the nose, in the eyes or in the anal area.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea).
  • Insomnia for no apparent reason.
  • Tiredness.
  • Headache.
  • Some diseases such as epilepsy, autism or Alzheimer’s could be related to the presence of parasites.

    Antiparasitic feeding

    The diet that must be followed to eliminate parasites has to be strict. In fact, we will take into account that parasites feed on certain foods. It will be essential to avoid, therefore:

    • Sugar and sugary foods.
    • Refined flours (white rice, pasta, pastries, among others.)
    • The alcohol.
    • Milk and dairy products.


    Garlic fights parasites

    The garlic is a medicinal food that works as a natural antibiotic and helps prevent many diseases. In the case of parasites it is also very effective.

    The only problem it has is its smell and that there are people who have a hard time digesting it.  For those who tolerate it well, you can eat raw garlic in the morning. Another option is to do the Tibetan garlic cure.

    Pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds are one of the most powerful foods we have to prevent and eliminate parasites. We have to take them raw, without roasting and, if possible, on an empty stomach.

    We can also grind them and add them to salads and stews or prepare a vegetable drink. In addition to being an antiparasitic food, it also provides many nutrients to our body.

    Pumpkin seeds to fight parasites

    Although infusions are a mild remedy compared to extracts, they can help us prevent or complement a treatment. Thyme and chamomile are two very effective plants for parasites.

    We will prepare a liter of thyme and chamomile infusion daily that we will drink throughout the day. We will take it for at least a month for it to take effect.

    Grapefruit seed extract

    This extract, which we can buy in herbalists, is very effective  in killing or inhibiting the growth of a large number of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. In addition, it is very rich in vitamin C.

    We will take according to the indications of the product. It is very important that it is of the highest quality. We will keep it in a dark, cool and dry place so as not to damage its properties. 

    Papaya seeds

    The gelatinous seeds of papaya are an ancient remedy to combat parasites. Many cultures use it to maintain a clean and healthy gut.

    We can prepare a papaya smoothie by also adding its seeds, water and a little stevia to sweeten. We will take it in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Homemade Pumpkin Garlic Syrup

    Finally, we can prepare a homemade syrup with the following ingredients to completely eliminate the parasites present in our intestine.


    • 1 glass of pumpkin pulp (100 g)
    • 10 cloves of garlic (20 g)
    • 5 tablespoons of honey (100 ml)
    • 10 glasses of water (2 l)


    • Cook the pumpkin with two liters of water until it is reduced by half.
    • Turn off the heat and add the garlic cut into small pieces.
    • Let stand two hours.
    • Then add the honey and strain.
    • We can take two tablespoons every morning.

    General tips

    • If we have pets at home, we should deworm them periodically according to the recommendation of the veterinarian, since parasites can pass to us by contact.
    • It is also important that if someone in the family has parasites, we take into account that they may have spread them to other members, so everyone should do the deworming.

    Images courtesy of Food Thinkers and jshildreth

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