How Many Years Of Life Does Smoking Take Away From You?

Smoking affects overall health and quality of life. Discover the years of life that the bad habit of smoking can take away from you.

Many people still think that smoking is harmless. For this reason, they do not come to realize how harmful it can be to health until they suffer its serious consequences.

Cigarettes are made up of a large number of toxic substances that affect a large part of the body’s organs and that, in the long term, can cause serious diseases. Smoking takes years off your life, we tell you how.

Consequences of smoking

Smoking can cause lung disease

Smoking reduces life expectancy: it is one of the habits that causes the most deaths in the world, according to academic publications. In addition to reducing life expectancy, smoking can also kill youth. It also affects a large part of the body’s organs and accelerates skin aging.

According to the World Health Organization, 8 million people die each year from smoking. Of these, 7 million correspond to smokers and 1.2 million to passive smokers. Smoking is a habit that deteriorates health in general.

In addition, according to specialized sources, smoking can also cause other diseases, among which are:

  • Heart diseases.
  • Cerebrovascular accidents
  • Emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Bronchitis.
  • Cancer of the lung, esophagus, stomach, pancreas or skin, among other types.

How many years of life does smoking take away from you?

How many years of life does smoking take away from you?

In a study by American, Canadian and British scientists, it was determined that a person can lose up to 10 years of life from smoking. This study was conducted with the objective of determining the dangers of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting smoking. It was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. 

This research found that non-smokers are twice as likely to live to age 80 compared to smokers. 

Is it possible to quit smoking?

It is possible to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is difficult, but not impossible. By doing so, people can suffer from anxiety and other withdrawal symptoms. This will make them believe that it is impossible to quit this bad habit.

However, with determination and a positive mind it is possible, even if it takes several attempts. It may also be necessary (and advisable) to seek professional help.

The Smokefree site, dependent on the NIH (National Institutes of Health, of the United States Department of Health) offers some keys to quit smoking and continue on that path despite the temptations:

  • Leave it little by little. If you don’t feel capable of quitting overnight, cut back on your daily cigarettes. Do it until there is not a single one left. Start by smoking half the cigarettes and, day by day, reduce it.
  • Nicotine alternatives: these consist of using products that replace the high amounts of nicotine in cigarettes with smaller amounts. The products can be patches, gum, pills, among others. This method is good for reducing the craving for cigarettes until you can quit completely.
  • Acupuncture:  This traditional Chinese medicine technique can help control cravings for smoking. It is relaxing and can be of great help to those who are motivated to quit, studies confirm.

We know that quitting is not easy, but it is worth doing. If you are a smoker, take the first step to quit smoking and live a longer and healthier life.

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