6 Home Remedies To Remove Ear Wax

Earwax is a naturally occurring substance with the function of protecting the ears from bacteria and other agents that could harm them. Additionally, the wax acts as a natural lubricant for the ear and external auditory canal.

Ear problems can occur at any age and are caused by many different reasons. Hearing loss is possible due to increased wax in the ear canals and must be removed. But it is essential to know how to remove wax from your ears without damaging them in the process.

However, there  comes a time when it accumulates in large quantities and can cause some discomfort in the ear, such as irritation, dizziness, itching, and even partial hearing loss.

Before letting you know about our homemade recommendations to remove ear wax, it is important that you take into account what are the causes of discomfort in the ears due to wax accumulation.

For what is this?

The accumulation of wax inside the ear canal often occurs due to the use of cotton swabs, which instead of cleaning what they do is to obstruct and cause discomfort inside the ear.

It can also be produced by the use of any pointed object such as hairpins, inside the ear in order to remove surface wax. Like the swabs,  these types of elements push the wax into the ear and cause it to become blocked. People who wear earplugs or hearing aids are also at higher risk of excessive wax build-up.

It is not recommended to use cotton buds to clean the ears.


When there is excess wax in the ears, the person may suffer from any of the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Earache.
  • Ringing in the ear.
  • Fullness or a feeling of emptiness.
  • Discomfort in the ear canal.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Secretions in the ear canal.

How to remove ear wax without damaging them?

The recommendations that we give below follow a general pattern: do not insert pointed elements into the ear canals as recommended by Dr. Carbonell from the ENT Institute. The swab has been designed with the aim of cleaning the most superficial area and not its interior. For this we recommend the following alternatives:

1. Saline solution

After the extraction of the wisdom teeth it is recommended to clean the area with salt water

This saline solution is an excellent option for removing excess wax from your ears. To do this you simply have to mix a teaspoon of salt (7.5 g.) In ½ cup of water (125 ml.) Until it is very well dissolved.

Then, soak a cotton ball in the mixture and drop a few drops of the solution into the ear, tilting your head slightly upward. Hold this position for a couple of minutes to allow the liquid to enter the ear, and then tilt it in the opposite direction to drain the solution.

2. Paraffin oil

One of the safest and most effective home remedies to remove ear wax is  paraffin oil sold in pharmacies. All you have to do is heat 2-3 small tablespoons of oil over a candle.

Put a few drops of this oil in the ear and wait for it to act for about five minutes, without movement. It should be repeated two days in a row so that the accumulation dissolves completely. The last step will be to wash the ear with warm water to remove the remains of wax.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Hydrogen peroxide should not exceed 3%.  Put a few drops of the mixture in your ear and tilt your head so that the mixture reaches the inside. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and then turn your head to the opposite side to drain the remaining liquid.

4. Carbonated glycerin

Glycerin is a natural ingredient that helps soften the wax to facilitate its expulsion.  Carbonated glycerin can be obtained at the pharmacy and applied 4 drops, 3 times a day to obtain good results.

5. Olive oil

Benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil is another one of those good ingredients that has benefits for a wide variety of problems.   In this case we will use it to lubricate, soften and remove ear wax. Put 2 or 3 drops of olive oil in the affected ear before going to bed and let it work. Repeat this treatment 3 or 4 days in a row.

Final note

Taking proper care of the ears will allow us to enjoy good hearing for longer and, at the same time, will help us avoid various health problems.

If you have any questions, it is best to consult your doctor.

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