11 Great Cosmetic Tricks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Makeup has become one of the great allies of beauty and, today, it is essential for most women. In this sense, cosmetic tricks are a great help when you do not have the time or the necessary tools.

With good technique and a little patience, it is possible to generate the same visual effect as with the most exquisite and extravagant color palettes. 

Thus, there are a series of cosmetic secrets and tricks that allow you to achieve a makeup with excellent finishes without having to be a professional in this field.

However, be careful with the elements you use. According to this study by Dr. Guerra PĂ©rez, it is not uncommon to suffer some type of allergic reaction to certain cosmetics, so before using them, check that your skin tolerates them without problem.

Once the test is done, you can carry out these 11 interesting cosmetic tricks.

Ready to put them into practice?

Cosmetic tricks to shine with your own light

1. Do you want your shadows to stand out more?

If you want the shadows on your lids to stand out more, before applying them, use a white eyeliner pencil to fill them in. This shade will make each color you use look more intense than normal.


2. Avoid using too much compact powder

One of the best known cosmetic tricks is to avoid the excessive use of compact powder. Exaggeration is unsightly and does not give a good appearance to the face, no matter how many imperfections you want to cover.

With this, the only thing that is achieved is a “baked” effect, which makes the skin look as if it were covered with flour.

It is best to use a thin layer, just before leaving the house so that it lasts longer.


3. Set your lipstick

Although there are many long-lasting lipsticks today, it does not hurt to consider a simple trick to fix it for longer. 

So put some pressed powder on a face towel, then press it on your painted lips for a few seconds.

As a result, you will not only have a more fixed lipstick, but you will also  prevent your teeth from staining with this product.


4. Do you smudge your eyelids when applying mascara?

One of the most common drawbacks when using mascara is that it ends up smearing the eyelids with the mask.

So that this never happens to you again, use a spoon next time. Placing it  on and under the eyelashes will prevent the mascara from staining the skin and you will see that the excesses remain on it.


5. Hide dark circles

Another great cosmetic trick to make the concealer more effective is to draw a triangle under the lower lash line towards the cheek.

This simple technique is perfect for hiding darkening around the eyes, because it creates the illusion of freshness on the face.

dark circles-triangle

6. More wavy eyelashes

If you want the curling of your eyelashes to be more effective and long-lasting, use a blow dryer to heat the curler for a few seconds before using it. The heat will facilitate curling and leave it better than ever.

heat-curling iron

7. Give a darker tone to the foundation

Instead of buying a darker colored foundation for those days when you don’t want your skin to look so pale, add some gel bronzer to your liquid foundation. It is very effective.

8. Problems with the eyeliner?

If your eyeliner has consistency problems and is difficult to use, take a lighter and direct the flame towards the tip for a few seconds.

Let it cool, apply it and you will notice that, this way, it will be more difficult for the line to smudge.


9. For a smoky effect

The smoky effect on the eyes is not always easy to achieve. To do it in a matter of seconds, the trick is to draw a pound sign (#) in the outer corner of the eye and smudge it with the help of your fingers or a brush.


10. Extend the life of your mascara

The mascara usually lasts in good condition for about three months, depending on the type of use. However, to extend its shelf life a bit more, a few drops of saline solution can be  added when it begins to dry.

11. Use a spoon for a perfect outline

A simple spoon will be your ally to get the outline you want so much. All you have to do is put the spoon over the outer corner of the eye and draw a straight line.

Then, you have to turn the spoon over and put it on the eyelid, while it is rounded to give it a curved effect.

To great evils, great remedies

It is true that the current pace of life prevents one from spending the necessary time to restore their makeup, or to experiment with shadows and pencils.

However, it doesn’t take a lot of time to look professional. You just have to keep these simple tips in mind and always remember that patience is a very valuable quality.

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