7 Dental Care Mistakes We All Make

Despite the dental cleaning that we do in our daily routine, we make mistakes when brushing and thoroughly cleaning our teeth. We show you the proper way to do it so that you keep your teeth healthy for a long time.

Although brushing our teeth is a gesture we do every day, we show you a series of common mistakes that we all make in dental care when brushing.

1. Instill in your children the importance of taking care of oral hygiene

Some parents have the idea that young children shed their teeth at an early age. So they don’t care as much about those as they would pay attention to bone teeth.

Dentists recommend brushing after meals and lasting approximately three to four minutes.

Children’s enamel is not the same as an adult’s. Teach him how to care for the teeth. If you notice any scratches or cracks, you should take them to a specialist to have them filled. This procedure is simple and painless and thus helps to protect the teeth from possible cavities.

2. Don’t press too hard on your toothbrush

Use a soft brush

The most common mistake when brushing our teeth is brushing them with excessive pressure. And this is a mistake. We must bear in mind that not by washing ourselves in a stronger way our teeth will be cleaner. On the contrary, the bristles bend and do not fulfill their main function, which is to remove plaque and food debris.

We recommend that if you have sensitive gums, buy a brush with medium hardness. Choose a brush with a long handle for more reach and comfort.

3. We never spend time on the gums

If your gums tend to bleed, you should see your dentist. And it is that although it could be a simple inflammation due to poor hygiene, it could end up deriving if it is not treated and does not remit in periodontitis, which would accelerate the process of tooth loss.

To prevent this wear, you need to brush your gums with a toothbrush. Eat solid foods and, if possible, before going to sleep, make mouthwashes based on sage, or saline solution.

4. Remove tartar from your teeth

How to remove tartar naturally

Dental plaque is not removed by brushing your teeth, but by going to the dentist. He will tell you how often you should attend maintenance.

Good hygiene prevents periodontitis, which causes holes in your gums and accelerates, as we say, the process of tooth loss. It is represented on your teeth as a yellowish or brownish hue.

5. If you have to wear an appliance, don’t hesitate

If you are one of those who believe that dental braces only work during adolescence, you should know that this is not the case. If you are an adult it may take a little longer to complete the treatment, but the results are effective. Not only will you straighten your teeth, but you will ensure that you keep them in perfect condition by regularly visiting the dentist.

6. Don’t always chew in the same area

Do not chew your food well

If you have a favorite side to chew on, you better start prioritizing both. Experts say that if you use this method, the other part begins to decalcify and wear out. What sometimes attracts hearing problems on the affected side, since it alters the functioning of the jaw joints.

In addition, it would not be giving the care or cleaning that each and every one of your teeth requires.

7. Use additional oral products

It is important to use dental floss to complete the cleaning of your teeth, as the brush does not help fully to fight plaque and tartar.

In addition, it cannot reach areas where the thread can. To neutralize the bacteria in the tiny spaces where the thread did not pass, perform a deep mouthwash.

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