Exfoliate The Skin With Sugar And Coconut Oil

Exfoliating the skin is a cell renewal process that involves the removal of dead cells, either naturally or artificially. In this regard, there are chemical or natural processes that help regenerate the skin. That is why here we present a scrub for the skin of sugar and coconut oil.

Why sugar?

To exfoliate the skin properly, you need an element that helps to renew the skin and, therefore, to eliminate dead cells. For this reason it is best to use some porous or scratchy material. That is why sugar is an ideal natural ingredient. However, you must use some type of refined sugar, not too thick so that it does not damage the skin.

Why coconut oil?

Coconut oil is a product of natural origin that has a large number of benefits for our health and body. In this case, its use can help us avoid premature aging and regenerate our skin. As if that were not enough, its moisturizing effect will make our skin look great.

Coconut oil

Exfoliate the skin with sugar and coconut cream

It is important that before applying this scrub we clean the area of ​​the body that we are going to exfoliate. This is done in order to obtain better results. To do this, you can wash your face with water and a neutral soap and then pass a hot towel over the area that you are going to exfoliate.


  • 1 cup of refined sugar.
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil.


  • First, mix the sugar with the coconut oil.
  • Then apply the mixture on the skin you want to exfoliate. It is best to do it with circular movements
  • This mixture should be on the skin for about 10 minutes.
  • Finally, the mixture is removed with the help of a cotton ball and a little warm water.


  • In case you do not want to use coconut oil, you can also use essential oils, lavender and even olive.
  • It is best to repeat this process at least twice a week. Of course, you should not exfoliate your skin after tanning as the skin is very sensitive and can cause injuries.

If necessary, we recommend visiting a specialist, a dermatologist, who will guide you in case you want to perform a more specific exfoliation.

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