5 Eye Care Mistakes You May Be Making

The eyes are a very important part of the body. Although they are not essential for life, as many lack this sense for multiple reasons, it is an essential part for those who are used to using them from birth.

It is important to make this clear, since those who suffer from total blindness have adapted to their condition and have even had a better development of other skills.

However, at a general level, most seek to maintain their visual health in perfect condition because, after all, it is a quality that offers many advantages for growth and physical and mental training.

The problem is that, as with other organs of the body, many factors can deteriorate them and lead to the development of various diseases.

For this reason, it is very important to give them special care and avoid some mistakes that, although they are not noticed at first, can harm them.

Discover them!

1. Do not use sunglasses

The use of sunglasses has become a necessary habit for the protection of visual health.

This artifact reduces the negative impact of the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun, which is linked to alterations such as cataracts, corneal burns or pingueculae, among others.

These UV rays have a cumulative effect over the years, that is, they can manifest their consequences long after the initial exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself as soon as possible, and ensure that the lenses are of the best quality.

2. Sleeping with contact lenses on

There are some contact lenses that are not a problem when left in place after falling asleep. The problem is that most are not suitable for this, since they prevent the cornea from receiving the necessary amount of oxygen, and can lead to corneal edema and ulcers.

Bacterial or viral infections can also develop, since they can become contaminated with some microorganisms if they are not cleaned daily.

For this reason, even if they are of prolonged use, it is not recommended to sleep with them because the risk of having any visual impairment increases considerably.

The ideal is to use a lens with a high oxygen pass and, of course, provide the necessary care to ensure its disinfection.

3. Rub your eyes

Visual difficulties

Rubbing your eyes is a practice that can have negative consequences over time. Although it provides a feeling of relief when your eyes feel itchy, doing so causes inflammation and redness.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that  the hands may be contaminated, which can trigger an infection.

4. Long-term exposure to screens

The excessive use of electronic devices such as tablets and mobile phones is linked to the increase in visual problems in recent years.

The eyes are not designed to be overloaded with the light emitted by these elements, especially since the distance between them is too short.

Spending long hours in front of their screens creates visual stress and can cause blurred vision and headaches.

In addition, the use of LED lights causes alterations in the tissues and can influence the development of diseases. In order to avoid this, the moderate use of these elements is recommended.

5. Sleeping with makeup

Sleep an hour before

The bad habit of sleeping with makeup on the face not only has negative consequences on the health of the skin, but can also cause discomfort in the eyes.

The chemicals in makeup cause skin alterations, pimples, eye irritation and styes.

It should be noted that it is not convenient to apply the eyeliner pencil on the eyelid line by the inner edge, since in this area are the exit orifices of the Meibomian glands, which represent a layer of the tear of the eye.

In conclusion, although they seem harmless, the mentioned actions should be avoided in order not to have problems with visual health. In addition, it is advisable to visit the specialist regularly to detect any abnormalities.

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