Feed The Children With Love And Their Fears Will Starve

Affection is that indispensable engine that nurtures the bonds between a mother, a father or any other caregiver with a child. Therefore, feed children with love, as it is one of the keys to dispel the fears of the little ones.

Every creature that comes into the world needs not only food, shelter and security. Sincere affection is so important that it compromises the proper development and maturation of children on more than one occasion.

We invite you to learn more about this interesting topic. If you dare, keep reading!

Feed the children with love

The union between the mother and the baby is already created at the uterine level with that umbilical cord that communicates them both. From that warm and exceptional refuge, an intense relationship between the two will be formed. It is what is known as the ‘bond’. Let’s see what it means next.

Mother and her baby

The delicate but powerful bond of love between mother and child

In recent years, the importance of the newborn staying for as long as possible on the mother’s skin as soon as it comes into the world has also been discovered.

Thus, studies such as the one published in 2013 by Dr. Antonio Herrera Gómez in the Nursing Index magazine indicate:

  • The newborn has to come into contact with the mother’s skin to build that affective bond. 
  • Its chest temperature immediately soothes the child by providing a sense of warm security.
  • The woman secretes oxytocin, a hormone that is directly related to love and the need for care and affection.
  • In turn, this neuromodulator allows the secretion of milk with which to breastfeed the little one.

However, it is essential that newly arrived babies spend a good time ‘skin to skin’ with the mother. It’s an essential way to start bonding.

Bond disorder

Conditions such as abandonment, lack of affection, abuse or rigid parenting guidelines are associated with various difficulties in the later development of the infant and future adolescent.

In fact, the so-called ‘bond disorder’ occurs from certain traumatic ruptures that, at an affective level, occur between the child and the parents in the earliest stages.


Now, what is already somewhat more complicated is to intuit that sometimes children also experience deficiencies in other situations:

  • Due to work obligations, some parents find themselves in the position of taking their baby to a nursery at a premature age. This separation can be experienced with anguish for the offspring.
  • Although we have several children, each one will have particular needs. Thus, perhaps one of them is more jealous and requires more attention than the others.
  • Newborns who spend time in incubators or hospitals are estranged from the mother figure. These circumstances also represent an imprint of stress for them.

As we can see, the ‘bond disorder’ is possible in the face of the most diverse events, which are sometimes beyond the control of the parents. For this reason, and without losing sight of the primary role that closeness to the child plays, perhaps the key lies in trying to be sensitive to the demands that each child poses.

To the extent that we try to listen to them, express affection and give them support, we will be reducing a good part of their fears and insecurities.

Feed the children with love so that fear will starve

A strong bond will help build a safe and healthy attachment. This base is nourished by actions such as the following:

  • Maintain physical contact with the baby. Breastfeeding is positive, as well as caresses, hugs or cuddling words.
  • Feeding children with love by attending to them when they cry, complain or seem nervous.
  • As they grow, making them feel like you love them will continue to be essential.
  • Talk to them, answer the hundreds of questions they ask, calm them when they express fear …
  • All this will result in a more intimate and close relationship with the parents and will make future children happy adults.

The bond is an invisible bond sustained by affection. Feed the children with love, because dreams come true as well …

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