Do You Wake Up In The Morning With A Bitter Taste In Your Mouth?

It may have happened to you, waking up in the morning and feeling a taste between sour and bitter.  Have you ever considered why? Do you have to worry about it?

It is more common than we think and, although it is not serious at all, sometimes it is indicative of some realities in our body that perhaps we should take into account: a poor diet, accumulation of bacteria … We explain it to you for your peace of mind.

Causes of bad breath in the morning

The simple reality is that almost all of us wake up with a strange taste in our mouth, our tongue accumulates a series of bacteria stored during the night that cause bad breath, something that makes us especially uncomfortable when we wake up with our partner.

It is normal. But doctors tell us that sometimes, after bad breath, there may be some kind of disease behind it, so it is worth knowing.

Girl waking up


That sour and bitter taste  is usually produced by anaerobic bacteria.  They are located behind the tongue and let small sulfur secretions perspire.

If during the day we do not have this uncomfortable sensation, it is because saliva makes them disappear, destroys them. But at night the production of saliva drops drastically, and these elements survive on our tongue giving us that unpleasant taste. It is something that happens to all of us.


If we suffer from sinusitis, there is usually a curious effect. When we suffer from this inflammation, our nasal mucosa is more sensitive  and, therefore, drops small secretions.

The nasal mucosa is rich in proteins and provides good food for those bacteria that we have mentioned before. These multiply and appear in greater quantities and, therefore, continue to produce more sulfur, causing that bad taste in the mouth.


We may suffer heartburn in the esophagus, that we have it inflamed. Digestions become heavier and food costs more to digest. This acidity feeds the bacteria on our tongue again, and the taste will then be especially acidic.

Liver problems

We already know that the liver fulfills the essential function of purifying our organism of toxins, harmful and harmful elements, in addition to fulfilling other essential mechanisms in the metabolization of enzymes.

But it can happen that suddenly, there is a problem. Or sometimes it just needs to be debugged. One of these symptoms is precisely that bitter taste in the morning.


Jaundice appears when we have a problem when metabolizing bilirubin, a dysfunction associated, in turn, with the liver, which produces alterations in red blood cells. Later, this can lead to a series of problems in our body.

The most obvious symptom of jaundice is a yellowish skin color. But so is a bitter taste in the mouth that increases in the morning.

Remedy to avoid bitter taste in the morning

Beetroot remedy to avoid bitter taste

To avoid as much as possible that unpleasant taste in the morning, the best, without a doubt, is to resort to foods that help us detoxify the body. To do this, it would be convenient to carry out the following actions:

Take garlic

There is a popular belief that says that a very beneficial habit for the body is to start the day by taking a clove of garlic on an empty stomach. If we are constant and remember to do it every day, we will undoubtedly benefit from the greatest natural detoxifier there is.

However, various sources, such as the Mayo Clinic, say that “eating certain foods, such as onions, garlic and spices can cause bad breath, since after digesting them, the food enters the bloodstream, is transported to the lungs and affects the breath”.

Detox juice for dinner

Remember this simple recipe that, for your sake, you should take during your dinners for at least 8 days in a row a month. You only need a beet, a clove of garlic, the juice of half a lemon, a sprig of parsley and a teaspoon of honey. Take all the ingredients to the blender and obtain a very homogeneous juice.

This juice, they say, will help you cleanse your body, eliminate toxins and bacteria, and, therefore, wake up with a better taste in your mouth. Although there are no scientific studies to prove its effectiveness.

Waking up with a strange taste in your mouth is normal, but you should consult with your doctor before making any changes in your lifestyle, as well as if bad breath persists for a long time or if you suspect that it may be due to some disease.

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