Protein Shakes: Why Are They Beneficial?

Protein shakes can help you in a good nutrition process, although you should always have the advice of a specialist to avoid complications and consume the appropriate doses for your conditions.

In these times, health and physical activity have become really important in people’s lives. Therefore, many may be interested in knowing how beneficial protein shakes are. The information that we will provide below will help you understand how protein shakes can influence body weight or improve athletic performance.

In most cases, the reputation of protein shakes is usually not that good. Many people believe that such drinks are made exclusively for extremely muscular people.

However, the usefulness of this product goes far beyond reaching the goal that we have set for ourselves in the diet or achieving the best results in the hours that we dedicate ourselves to working the body in a gym.

Let’s talk about proteins

Proteins are macronutrients made up of essential amino acids for the body. They are fused by chains known as peptide bonds.

These molecules are acquired mainly through food. In addition, they play a transcendental role in the proper functioning of the body, as stated in a publication in the Journal of Applied Physiology

Proteins are responsible for forming and regenerating the tissues of bones, muscles, organs and skin, among others.

These are composed of:

  • Hydrogen.
  • Carbon.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Oxygen.
  • Most also contain sulfur.

Proteins make up nearly half the weight of the body’s tissues. In the same way, they can be found in every cell that makes up the body. They participate in practically all the biological processes that take place in it.

The protein shakes

woman making protein shake

These shakes are preparations with a high concentration of proteins. Its main function is to supply the body with the amount of molecules necessary to simplify the production of new muscle tissues. There is sufficient evidence to claim that these products improve recovery and function of lean tissue.

Today, many people exercise continuously and permanently. They are very aware that to be and stay it is essential to execute a good physical training routine. In addition, this should always be combined with a diet rich in carbohydrates, minerals and proteins.

However, these requirements are not always sufficient to achieve the goal we have set ourselves. Although the foods we eat are full of nutrients, sometimes we need to take protein supplements.

It is in this situation that protein shakes play an important role. These can help us to give an extra contribution of these molecules to the human constitution. These supplements come in multiple compositions, flavors, and designs.

Why are they beneficial?

woman drinking protein shakes

The main consumers of protein shakes are athletes. This is due to the fact that the high training and the physical condition that they must comply with continuously requires them to ingest these molecules the moment they finish their activity. This way they will recover the energy they used.

In this sense, such shakes have the ability to ensure daily protein intake. Of course, as long as we manage to comply with a balanced diet. This helps us control and maintain the weight that we have set as a goal.

However, we must always take note of the exact amount of protein in each shake we drink. Excesses are always bad.

Remember that these drinks are not substitutes for food. These are supplements that help us get the extra nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. We should not exceed the recommended dose.

They can promote health

According to research developed by experts, shakes can help people with osteoporosis. This is the case of those created based on whey proteins, especially.

They also help the proper healing of wounds that we may present. In general, proteins and, consequently, supplements made from these macromolecules, favor the immune system.

In addition to this, protein shakes can help improve cardiovascular performance. They can also help lower cholesterol levels.

Couple exercises.

In turn, an adequate protein intake can prevent the development of muscle diseases associated with age, such as sarcopenia. To avoid this condition, experts advise increasing the daily intake of these macronutrients, apart from physical exercise.

With this we do not want to imply that by ingesting these shakes you are going to solve these health problems. Not that you should replace them with any medication prescribed by a specialist. On the contrary, a good combination of these elements brings great health benefits. In addition, these benefits will only be obtained if we consume them in the appropriate amounts.

Do they present any contraindication?

We already know some of the advantages we get from ingesting protein shakes for the body. Therefore, it is also necessary to know the contraindications that may exist in these supplements.

In the long run, if we do not make sure to take the recommended measure or abuse with the intake of these supplements, the levels of calcium in the body can generate deposits of this mineral. This situation would produce stones in the kidneys. On the other hand, we would be able to overload it in the face of excess elements. Nitrogen stands out among them. This will force these organs to work more than necessary to completely eliminate, through the urine, the toxins obtained by proteins.

Similarly, by raising blood nitrogen levels, the recommended water intake tends to decrease. This leads to dehydration.

Therefore,  you must have the advice of a specialist, who can guide you in the best way. Remember that good nutrition should be a planned process.

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