9 Tips To Take Care Of Your Nails Inside And Out Naturally

If we want to care for our nails in a natural and permanent way, we must take into account the products we use on our hands and how we protect them from external agents.

However, we must also take care of our diet, since nails are a reflection of our health and, with their appearance, can indicate the lack of some nutrients.

Discover in this article how to take care of your nails internally and externally so that they are always beautiful, strong and healthy. 

1. Choose a non-toxic nail polish

Conventional nail polishes contain ingredients that can be toxic to health, such as the following:

  • Toluene
  • Formaldehyde.
  • Dibutyl phthalate.
  • Camphor.
  • Tosylamide.

Component name tags are usually not too large, so it can be difficult to check. However, most glazes that do not specify that they are organic or do not have toxic substances usually include them in their composition.

These synthetic substances not only do not benefit our nails, but they could also reach the blood vessels and negatively affect the body.

2. Acetone-free nail polish remover

Nail polish removers are also usually too aggressive for the nails, since their acetone content dries them out and progressively weakens them.

Therefore, it is advisable to use acetone-free nail polish remover, which usually includes other ingredients such as lemon. You have to insist a little more to remove the enamel, but the result is worth it.

3. Wear gloves to take care of your nails

By doing various housework without gloves,  we expose our nails to overly aggressive products, such as bleach or detergents.

We recommend always wearing gloves, especially if you are doing manual tasks, outdoors or with strong products.

How to care for nails: wear gloves

4. Hydrate the area well

Hydrating your hands is not enough. To take care of the nails, you have to  nourish them with a natural product with a high fat content that we can apply every night before going to bed.

In order not to stain the sheets and for the skin to better absorb the product, cotton gloves can be used to sleep. The following highly nourishing natural moisturizing oils are especially recommended:

  • Castor bean.
  • Avocado.
  • Almond.
  • Wheat germ.
  • Rosehip.
  • Shea butter.

5. Discover hand massages

If, when applying the moisturizing lotion, we also perform a hand massage, we will increase the absorption of the product  and improve circulation. At the same time, we will achieve a pleasant feeling of relaxation and well-being.

6. Improves circulation

For cold hands or suffer from poor circulation, in addition to periodic massages, you can do hand baths with water, alternating hot and cold temperatures. You can use two containers, and put your hands alternately to achieve the contrast that will activate the circulation.

7. Protect your hands from the sun and cold

To take care of the nails we must get used to using sunscreen when we are exposed to the sun’s radiation in the hours of maximum intensity.

We must also protect ourselves from the cold and wind with gloves.

take care of nails: hands with gloves for the cold

8. Eat a balanced diet

Food affects our appearance. For this reason, we must eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which are what provide us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

An easy way to consume them every day is through homemade juices and smoothies.

9. Take some beneficial supplements

To take care of the most fragile or weakened nails, we can resort to some natural supplements that are beneficial both for the nails and for the skin and hair. 

  • Brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast.
  • Liquid organic silicon.
  • Spirulina
  • Flax oil
  • Evening primrose oil.
  • Biotin.

Before taking them we recommend consulting with a doctor or therapist.

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