9 Remedies For Brittle Nails You Should Know

There are several factors that can influence our nails to weaken. Poor diet, lack of nutrients, finger infections, the use of irritating products or illness are among the frequent causes.

If the nails break easily or flake, you have to know that something is happening. The presence of white spots or changes in color and shape is also a cause for alert.

It is important to review the daily diet and the chemicals that come into contact with our hands. Continuous use of polish can also be harmful: let’s not forget that the nail must rest from time to time.

These brittle nail remedies will help you overcome the problem:

Oils, the great allies

1. Coconut oil

The saturated fat in coconut oil moisturizes the nails and keeps infections away. We can apply it warm on the nail and massage for five minutes to hydrate and improve circulation in the area; it is recommended to do it two or three times a day.

  • Another option is to add a few drops of lemon juice to ΒΌ cup of warm coconut oil.
  • Before sleeping, we will soak the nails for 10 minutes and cover them with gloves overnight so that the mixture takes effect.

2. Vitamin E oil

The vitamin E capsules contain an oil that applied directly to the nails will give results in a short time.

  • For two weeks we must massage the nail with this oil, every day for five minutes, to hydrate and strengthen.
  • In this way we will improve circulation in the area.

3. Castor oil

Its high content of vitamin E promotes the strengthening and shine of the nail.

  • Simply apply a drop to each nail and massage gently. Only with that will you see a difference.

    4. Foods for stronger nails

    It is important to eat foods with vitamins A and B, which promote the generation of keratin. Carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, bell peppers, and squash will promote nail strengthening. So will meat, fish, poultry, wheat germ, legumes, nuts, potatoes, spinach, and eggplants.

    5. Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar provides us with iron, calcium, vitamins, potassium and magnesium. It also has acetic acid and malic acid, which help prevent infection.

    • Soaking your nails in a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water will quickly strengthen them.
    • This procedure can be done once a day for five minutes. When removing the nails we will gently push the cuticle back and dry well.

      6. Cucumber

      Beta-carotene and vitamins B and C in cucumber are ideal allies for strengthening nails. It will be enough to liquefy half a cucumber in a cup of water (250 ml) and soak the nails for a few minutes in the mixture.

      7. Onion

      The substance released by onion is fungicidal and bactericidal. To obtain its benefits and protect the nail from infections and breaks, we can place the fingers for five minutes inside the cuts previously made to the vegetable.

      8. Garlic

      Garlic is rich in minerals such as calcium, sulfur, zinc, copper, potassium, phosphoric acid and vitamins A, B and C. All its properties can be used by simply placing a little crushed garlic in a transparent glaze.

      9. Beer

      Beer is an excellent remedy for brittle nails. Mixing half a cup of this drink (125 ml) with a quarter cup of olive oil (62 ml) and another of apple cider vinegar will repair brittle nails.

      • If you soak for 15 minutes, once or twice a week, you will start to see a difference.

      Tips to avoid brittle nails

      In addition to these remedies, there are several tips to avoid brittle nails. The main thing is to keep them hydrated and polish them before applying a special base for flaky or weak nails. Likewise, it is also important to use quality enamels.

      Three times a week you should apply enough moisturizer on nails and cuticle and massage with circular movements. They are then covered with cotton gloves and left to act overnight.

      Gel nails?

      Substituting gel nails for brittle nails is not a good option. It is always better to keep the natural and it is advisable to nourish the nails while they grow.

      These 8 remedies for brittle nails will help maintain beautiful, attractive hands, the kind that turn heads. It’s just a matter of having a little time to take care of that important part of our body.

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