8 Reasons To Consume Aloe Vera Juice And How To Prepare It

Aloe vera juice can be combined with various fruits, among other ingredients. Here we tell you more about its health benefits. 

Aloe vera juice is a drink that, although it may cause some surprise at first, has a good taste and multiple health benefits. The key is knowing how to prepare it and what it can be combined with.

Next, we want to share 8 reasons to add aloe vera juice to your diet.

Benefits of aloe vera juice

The aloe vera plant is one of the best known throughout the world, since it has been used as a remedy for many conditions. It is rich in water, fiber, antioxidants and other very health-promoting substances.

In fact, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries continue to use their natural extracts to manufacture many of their products and treatments.

However, its use in its natural state continues to be the best alternative  to enjoy 100% of its properties.

1. Prevents constipation


Moderate intake of aloe vera juice could be a good natural solution to combat mild and chronic constipation.

Its high content of water and fiber exerts a slight laxative effect  that favors the intestinal movement for a correct elimination of feces.

2. Helps to lose weight

Ingesting aloe vera juice in a healthy weight loss plan can have a positive effect, as long as it is within a balanced diet and is accompanied by physical exercise.

On the other hand, it can be ingested in small amounts to control food cravings, without overdoing it with calories.

3. Has an anti-inflammatory effect

Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases can also benefit from regular consumption of aloe vera juice.

Its anti-inflammatory compounds, such as campesterol, lupeol, and beta-sitosterol help reduce swelling and relieve associated pain. Therefore, it is recommended as a complement in the treatment of:

  • Arthritis.
  • Burns.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Crohn’s disease.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

4. It is very nutritious

Aloe vera juice is a perfect natural way to combat and avoid some of the most common nutritional deficiencies. It should be noted that it contains:

  • Vitamins (A, B, C and E).
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, manganese, potassium).

5. Has an antiviral effect

Aloe vera juice could have an indirect antiviral effect due to the stimulation of the immune system, and a direct effect due to anthraquinones. Aloin anthraquinone inactivates several enveloped viruses such as herpes simplex, varicella zoster, and influenza.

6. Control cholesterol

Aloe vera juice helps control cholesterol, keeping it within healthy limits and preventing excesses.

This is due to its anti-inflammatory assets that, among other things, prevent the hardening of the arterial walls. On the other hand, the juice also helps fight hypertension.

7. Protects oral health

Tooth problems

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds in aloe vera are helpful in preventing gum damage and dental infections.

Its consumption and application on the teeth reduces the presence of bacteria, prevents the formation of tartar and neutralizes bad breath. In addition, it can also be a remedy to improve mouth sores.

8. Control blood sugar

Natural aloe vera juice has a hypoglycemic effect that benefits patients with type 2 diabetes or whose sugar levels are regularly destabilized.

It provides a substance known as glucomannan, which facilitates the conversion of sugars into energy to prevent their accumulation in the blood.

How to prepare aloe vera juice?

To prepare a healthy aloe vera juice it is necessary to extract the gel from the leaves. Now, it is recommended that the plant to be used is two or more years old.  Before this time, the aloe will not be well developed and, therefore, its benefits will not be as effective.


  • 1 leaf of aloe vera.
  • ½ glass of water (125 ml).
  • Optional: 3 teaspoons of honey (15 g).


  • Cut the aloe vera leaf with the help of a knife and extract the gelatinous crystals that it contains inside.
  • Pass the crystals through the tap to remove the streaks well.
  • Place the crystals in the blender along with the glass of water and process until smooth.
  • If you want, add a little honey to sweeten it and drink right away.

Recommendations to take advantage of aloe vera juice

To enjoy the benefits of aloe vera juice, it is not recommended to exceed the amount of one glass a day, as it can cause diarrhea.

Aloe vera juice can be mixed with various fruits, ginger, honey, or agave syrup. Some of the most recommended fruits are: pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, lemon and pomegranate.

As you can see, a natural aloe vera drink provides benefits to the health of the body. Prepare it regularly at home and consume it as part of your diet to promote your sense of well-being.

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