8 Foods That Cause Inflammation Of The Abdomen

To avoid abdominal inflammation it is important that we follow a healthy and balanced diet and that we avoid consuming foods that can cause gas and other related conditions.

Know 8  foods that can trigger inflammation of the abdomen  to avoid them as much as possible in your diet. In addition, it is not surprising that other annoying symptoms appear along with the bloating, such as intestinal gas, belching and even pain.

Foods that cause inflammation of the abdomen

1. Foods high in fat


First of all, high-fat foods are a major cause of abdominal swelling.

These not only cause an increase in body weight, but can also  hinder the digestion process while increasing cholesterol levels.

A clear example is French fries, whose starch and high levels of fat can harm the health of your stomach.

2. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated sodas and soft drinks are popular for the sensation they produce when ingested and for  their high sugar content, which generates a certain addiction.

However,  the carbon dioxide they contain can trigger symptoms such as heartburn and bloating.

3. Cruciferous vegetables


Cruciferous vegetables have raffinose. It is a difficult-to-digest polysaccharide that ferments on contact with intestinal bacteria, leading to unpleasant stomach symptoms such as gas and belching.

This, added to its important contribution of fiber, causes an inflammation of the abdomen to occur .

To avoid it, the ideal thing is to include them in the diet in a moderate way, combining them with other foods that help reduce such effects on the body.

4. Salt

Excessive consumption of salt is one of the main causes of fluid retention in body tissues. This is closely related to inflammation problems.

Certainly, reducing your intake is not only good for the abdominal area, but also implies positive changes in the general health of the main organs.

5. Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are those that have undergone a process in which their fiber is removed, which makes them poor in nutrients.

One of the most popular is white flour, present in common foods such as pizza, bread or cakes, among others.

In fact, some people are intolerant to these types of foods and on many occasions they have allergic reactions from ingesting them.

6. Very spicy foods


Seasonings have many health properties,  but they can also cause abdominal swelling when not taken in the right amount.

This occurs because they release some acids that cause irritation in the stomach, in addition to an inflammatory response.

Therefore, it is best to consume them in minimal portions. Among these, we can mention:

  • Black pepper
  • The nutmeg.
  • The chili.
  • The mustard.
  • The vinegar.

7. Dairy

People with lactose intolerance should not consume dairy products, even if they are palatable.

This problem can promote  heavier digestions and, in fact, can lead to bloating, colic, and diarrhea.

8. Beans


Lastly, beans are difficult to digest due to their high polysaccharide content. These, among other things, cause an accumulation of intestinal gases that generate inflammation and annoying digestive symptoms.

Although it is not advisable to eliminate them from the diet, it is advisable to reduce them to the maximum and cook them very well before ingesting them.

The proteins they contain can be replaced by those provided by both fish, chicken or soy.

These 8 foods can cause inflammation of the abdomen; therefore, we must avoid them as much as possible. If after reducing them the problem persists, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as it could be a sign of a more serious disorder.

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