8 Benefits Of Avocado

Avocado is a food that does not go out of style. Why? What are its properties and what benefits does it present for the body? We tell you all of them in detail.

Do you want to discover the benefits of avocado? This fruit is a food native to Mesoamerica. Specifically, from the highlands of central and eastern Mexico and Guatemala. When investigating its origin, it has been discovered that its use dates from Coaxcatlán (Mexico) ; where it began to be cultivated about 10,000 years ago.

To this day, it is planted in places with tropical and Mediterranean climates and, in recent years, it has gained popularity because it is healthy in moderate quantities and versatile in the kitchen. In this line, its diffusion as an ingredient has been a boom promulgated by the famous due to its nutritional properties.

As a result, researchers from the Universidad Católica del Norte have specified that its consumption has grown to reach 7 million tons produced at a rate of 15% per year since 2010. Since then, it has not stopped being fashionable. But what are the true benefits of avocado? How does it affect people’s health? Next, we will tell you in detail.

What are the benefits of avocado?

Among other things, the Mediterranean diet stands out for its content of monounsaturated fatty acids; such as those provided by olive oil or nuts. This type of diet is capable of reducing 30% of the most serious cardiovascular diseases, such as strokes or heart attacks in the population at risk.

In this sense, as the avocado has fatty acids with contributions of vitamins, minerals and fiber; it is an excellent complement. Besides being appetizing, satiating and versatile in the kitchen; it can be prepared in different ways. Therefore, it is easily included in different types of diet; among them, the Mediterranean. Keep in mind that the fatty acids it contains have been shown to regulate inflammation in the body.

To be more precise, thanks to its healthy fat content, avocado is a suitable food for daily nutrition. In fact, studies developed by the National Lipids Association have shown that, apart from being a satiating and nutritious food, it  helps reduce bad cholesterol or LDL levels and lose weight in a healthy way when included in a balanced diet.

Benefits of avocado in the diet

Nourishes the body and satisfies the appetite

Experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) indicate that avocado contains monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and vitamins C, E and B6.

In short, this is a food that is characterized by containing vegetable fats (which provide benefits to the body) as well as vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect. This means that it helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Helps reduce the appearance of some health problems

Antioxidants and vitamin E contribute to the proper functioning of the body in general. In addition, as nutritionist Elizabeth Somer explains:

Half a medium-size avocado contains at least 138 calories. This provides a good proportion of oleic acid; important for activating the part of the brain responsible for feeling full. For this reason, avocado reduces the desire to continue eating.

Along these lines, the Nutrition Magazine has published the following essay to show that the consumption of healthy unsaturated fats helps when it comes to carrying out a diet and maintaining it constantly. In view of the above, the benefits of avocado are as follows:

  • Provides antioxidants.
  • It allows to maintain variety in the diet, given its versatility.
  • Helps satisfy your appetite, which can contribute to weight loss.
  • Provides energy, which is ideal to start and maintain an active lifestyle.
  • Nourishes the body; since it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and vitamins C, E and B6.
  • It is beneficial for patients with cholesterol problems.
  • Provides fiber, which is positive when it comes to preventing constipation.
  • In addition, an article published by the Health and Cardiology Journal indicates that it contributes to taking care of the heart and improving the diet of patients with heart problems.
Wrapped with turkey and avocado

Avocado oil

Currently, researchers from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico have discovered that avocado oil (from avocado), thanks to its composition of fatty acids, complies with the nutritional recommendations that focus on reducing the amount of saturated fat in the diet.

Diets with avocado oil have been shown to be as effective as those containing corn, soybean, or sunflower oil. And they help reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) and plasma triglycerides.

Avocado oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids. Specifically, about 60% of its composition is monounsaturated acids, especially oleic acid. Only 20% are polyunsaturated, and the remaining 20% ​​are saturated acids.

As explained in the study, fish oil supplements, substituting saturated for monounsaturated fats, and diets high in monounsaturated fat prevent the harmful effects of a low-fat diet. Thus, avocado oil is an excellent complement to a healthy and balanced diet.

Likewise, the effectiveness of avocado oil in reducing the risks associated with plasma total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (while maintaining the benefits of HDL cholesterol) indicates that, indeed, it may play a relevant role in a nutritious diet.

Avocado oil, the best oil

Take advantage of the benefits of avocado to supplement the diet

To stay energetic and strong it is essential to maintain a set of good lifestyle habits. Relying only on the consumption of a food – such as avocado – or drink is not enough to take care of health.

In this sense, avocado is a good ally if it is included in a healthy diet. But on its own it is not capable of providing the body with everything it needs to function properly.

In short, maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is essential to enjoy health and well-being. Knowing what foods are good for the body and in what quantities it is convenient to consume them can be a crucial tool when working on this goal.

Although we must not forget that the ideal option is always to consult with a nutritionist. In this way, you will make sure you choose the diet that best suits you, and will be able to tell you how to introduce food into it.

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