7 Exercises To Tone The Face

The ideal time to do these routines is at night before going to sleep or in the morning after showering. 

Surely you have heard of the trend that exists today: facial gymnastics. This consists of a series of exercises to tone the face.

The key is in the repetition of a certain movement, to work the different areas : forehead, cheeks and chin.

Remember that our face reflects various aspects, such as: health, age, lifestyle, feelings and emotions.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay some attention and give it some care.  Having a beautiful face is synonymous with health, therefore, it does not hurt that we start our own exercise routine to tone the face.

Through movement, you can activate blood circulation, reduce expression lines, promote skin elasticity and firmness.

Like exercises for the body, these movements work the muscles of the face, resulting in improvement.

Exercises to tone the face

1. Rectangle with hands

The first of the exercises to tone the face is very simple.

You just have to form a rectangle with your thumb and index finger.


  • Placing them on the right and left side of your face, between the cheekbones and the eyebrows.
  • Then open your eyes as much as you can and hold them there for three seconds (you can blink).
  • Then close them and relax with certain touches on the forehead with the tip of your index. Repeat this step four to five times.

This will allow you to give strength to the muscles in your forehead.

If you do this exercise regularly, you will significantly reduce the expression lines in that area.

2. Inverted triangle

tone the face, smile

  • With your two hands, form two inverted triangles that start from the center of your face to the sides.
  • Remember that they must converge between the eyebrows.
  • Then look up for ten seconds.
  • Return your gaze to the center and lightly touch the sides of the face with the tips of your index fingers.
  • Practice it with five reps.

3. Smile!

  • Smile and press your chin with your index finger.
  • Then place your lips together in a kiss for ten seconds, return to the normal position, rest and do repetitions for five minutes.
  • Finish by tapping your fingertips from the base of your face to the closest part of your hair.

4. Blow

If we already have very marked crow’s feet, we can also massage and press this area from top to bottom with the tips of the fingers with a duration and rest time of two minutes per session.

  • Close your mouth and blow as hard as you can until your cheeks are puffed up.
  • Hold the air and release it slowly.
  • Rest two minutes and repeat the action four to five times, with this you will work cheeks and cheekbones.

5. Exercise with the lips

Stand in front of the mirror staring at it and then begin to make a series of grimaces, movements and winks.

With this, you will tone practically the entire area of ​​your face.

  • Open your mouth as wide as you can, point your lips in various directions. Here you will be working the entire area adjacent to your mouth.

In fact, this is one of the most sensitive areas of the face, where expression lines usually appear.

  • At the corners of the lips, place your fingers, making light pressure, and try to form the letter O with your mouth.
  • It also places the thumbs inside the mouth and presses inward. This will work the lips.

6. With the chin

  • With the chin raised we will stretch the lower lip upwards at the same time as the neck.

Then we will be working the neck.

This area is very important and is usually very revealing of our age, so we must exercise it together with the face.

7. With thumbs

  • With both of your thumbs at the corner of your eyes, close your eyes and blink for ten seconds.

In this way, you will fully work the forehead and the eye area.

Recommendations to tone the face

It is recommended to do these exercises several times 2 to 3 times a week.

The ideal time to do these routines is at night before sleeping or in the morning after showering. 

To apply these practices we must have good hygiene. That is, we must have our hands and face clean.

On the other hand, it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer before doing these exercises to reduce the feeling of ‘tightness’.

Also, if we want to tone the face without applying cream, we can choose to apply natural oils.

We recommend almond oil as it will allow us to perform better massages while deeply hydrating our skin.

Go ahead and start your facial gymnastics routine!

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