6 Foods Asthmatics Should Always Avoid

Eating foods rich in magnesium and other nutrients can contribute to the well-being of asthma patients.

There are several foods that asthmatics should avoid in order not to harm their health or decrease their well-being. As a help, we will now do a brief review about them.

It should be noted that the list of foods that we will comment on constitutes a guideline, not a norm. Therefore, it should not be taken as a substitute for what the doctor may indicate in consultation.

People with asthma should follow general guidelines for care, but also several specific guidelines. In this sense, it must be remembered that, depending on various factors, the indications may vary from one case to another, since not all patients are the same.

Foods Asthmatics Should Avoid

Although food is not the only way to control asthma, it is clear that diet plays a key role in the day-to-day life of asthma patients. In this sense, it has been observed that by limiting the intake of certain foods and taking adequate nutrition it is possible to increase (and maintain) your well-being.

Let’s see what are the foods that asthmatics should avoid in general. Take note!

Saturated fats

Asthmatics should avoid saturated fats

Sources of saturated fat top the list of foods that asthmatics should avoid. According to Mayo Clinic experts, they increase asthma symptoms. This is due to the response of the immune system to “receive” these substances.

Saturated fats are also present in ultra-processed foods, pastries, red meat, and fried foods, as well as many industrial edibles.

Instead, you can opt for another type of fat. Health and Nutrition experts comment that it is recommended that you consume  omega 3 fatty acids. These are present in oily fish, flax seeds and walnuts and lean protein sources (skim milk, chicken breast and legumes).

When you make the purchase, verify that the food does not contain saturated fat. Also, opt for healthy cooking such as steam, the oven or the grill.

Whole dairy

Dairy foods are high in fat and it is advisable to moderate their consumption to prevent asthma symptoms from being triggered.

You don’t have to do without them completely. Just eat dairy wisely – choose skim products and try to substitute them from time to time. Have you tried, for example, almond milk or potato cheese?

People tend to eat a lot of dairy without realizing it, since it is present in various recipes and everyday foods. For example in creamy soups, filled pasta, ice cream, coffee with milk, smoothies, butter, etc.

As if that weren’t enough, the consistency and texture of dairy exacerbates mucus production and thus increases congestion. This makes it harder for us to breathe in an asthma episode.

Red meat

Again we have to talk about saturated fats, because meat contains them in large quantities. Although there are exceptions, such as lamb, which is leaner, the truth is that beef or pork make asthma worse.

According to research published in the journal Nutritionthose who eat a lot of red meat are more likely to develop asthma. Therefore, it would be advisable to minimize your consumption (to once a week, for example) and enjoy chicken, turkey and fish more often.

Citrus and tomatoes

Other foods that asthmatics should avoid are citrus fruits and tomatoes. While it is true that they contain nutrients and fiber, which are beneficial for health, they also have some components that could worsen symptoms in some asthmatics. 

You don’t need to stop consuming them overnight, but at least try to reduce your intake. Of course, to know in detail what you should do about it, it is best to consult your doctor.

Salty foods

Excess sodium in the body causes kidney problems, obesity and edema in the legs. It can also have a negative impact on asthmatic patients. This happens because it  increases immune system responses and triggers asthma symptoms.

Use very little salt in your dishes, avoid ultra-processed foods, such as canned soups or instant puree, French fries and, in general, snacks . Do not take the salt shaker to the table and read the packaging of what you buy at the market very well because they have “hidden sodium” (even sweet things have salt).

Trans fat

Also known as solid fats, they are made thanks to a process where hydrogen is incorporated into vegetable oil. They are unhealthy at all and increase the risk of heart disease or diabetes, as well as exacerbating asthmatic symptoms.

Avoid all products that contain trans fat. These include margarine, fried restaurant foods, and partially hydrogenated oils. These fats are also present in industrial biscuits and pastries, cakes and cake batters.

Instead choose foods that have “good fats” such as olive and rapeseed or canola (organic) oils, flax seeds and dried fruits, such as almonds and walnuts. In this way, you will not only reduce asthma, but also prevent many other diseases.

Magnesium against asthma

Food surrounding magnesium symbol

In the diet asthmatics can not miss foods rich in magnesium. This mineral is necessary to help relax muscles and promote a healthy respiratory system, in general. Magnesium is anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator.

It can be found in various foods, such as oats, wheat germ, evening primrose oil, dried fruits (pistachios, walnuts), seeds, legumes, and of course, in various fruits and vegetables.

Doubts? Consultation with the doctor

Eating healthy is a great way to give your body everything it needs to stay healthy over time. Therefore, you should not only try to maintain a diet according to your individual needs, but also know what you should avoid, according to your state of health, so as not to affect your well-being.

Remember that, in case you have doubts about how to eat a balanced diet, according to your needs, consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. Additionally, you can consult with a nutritionist.

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