6 Consequences Of A Diet Without Carbohydrates

Completely eliminating carbohydrates in the body will bring several positive consequences at the level of weight loss, but it can lead to the appearance of disorders or conditions.

In the broader world of food there is a group of foods that are known as the desired singles. Don’t you know who we’re talking about? Well, carbohydrates. These provide pleasure, but are harmful in excess. With that said, let’s see if a no-carbohydrate diet is feasible.

When you eat carbohydrates you surely feel indescribable satisfaction. They are found in sweets, flours, cookies, and potato chips. That is, in all those foods that, for a few moments, calm our anxiety.

However, as we know that they are harmful, it may be that after eating them a feeling of guilt is generated that we do not know how to remove. It is very difficult to break with this addiction. Similarly, thinking about eliminating them completely can be crazy.

What are carbohydrates?

A diet without carbohydrates may help you lose weight.

In simple words, carbohydrates or carbohydrates are the foods that act as a source of energy for the body. Eating them is the most immediate way to give our body a little energy and vitality.

Therefore, a healthy diet must have a minimum of these nutrients. The negative consequences are not generated by eating them, but by ingesting them abundantly. That said, we must explain that carbohydrates are not the enemy.

Now, if you eat them excessively, they become the fat that accumulates in the body, which can cause weight gain and countless diseases, according to a study published in QJM . You must control their intake, but not do without them.

What happens on a diet without carbohydrates?

Beatriz Navia, who teaches nutrition classes at the Complutense University of Madrid, assured the newspaper ABC that “the diet without carbohydrates responds to a food plan known as the ketogenic diet .

The specialist explained that in this type of diet ketone bodies are generated from lipid metabolism and the necessary increase in the consumption of proteins and fats. In this diet without carbohydrates, the intake of red meat, fish and eggs is increased.

Adding various cheeses and fats should compensate for the nutrients provided by carbohydrates through foods such as vegetables, fruits, bread, rice, pasta, legumes, sugar or milk.

Dangers of a diet without carbohydrates

The specialist explains that there are various risks that you can suffer if you eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. For example:

  • Increased uric acid levels.
  • Risks of suffering from gout or kidney stones.
  • Onset of osteoporosis due to the mobilization of bone calcium.
  • Suffering from severe constipation due to the elimination of fiber. Keep in mind that fiber has proven to be essential to ensure proper intestinal transit.
  • Deficiencies of some vitamins and minerals contained in foods rich in carbohydrates.

    You don’t have to demonize all carbohydrates

    Carbohydrates should not be demonized. In fact, there are healthy carbohydrates, such as whole grains and those made with durum wheat or semolina. Its bad reputation may be due to the inadequate consumption of carbohydrates low in fiber and high in the glycemic index, typical of western diets.

    Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of sugar, bread, sugary drinks such as soft drinks or sweet mate. In this sense, it is preferable to eat whole grains because they contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.

    Diet without carbohydrates

    Having clarified all of the above, we explain six positive consequences that eliminating carbohydrates will bring for your body. In a decision like this, not everything can be negative. Let’s see:

    1. You burn more fat

    When you cut carbohydrates, you start to burn the excess fat in the body. This happens because you eliminate high-calorie foods, which forces the body to use the fats stored in the abdomen. There is evidence that the ketogenic diet stimulates weight loss.

    2. You feel fuller

    If you cut carbohydrates, you will feel more satisfied. It is not the calories that make you less hungry, but the fiber, vitamins and minerals that refined carbohydrates do not contain. Eating protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats will help you combat anxiety.

    3. You flatten your abdomen

    The abdomen will be flattened on a diet without carbohydrates, as fat is gradually removed from this area. That is why it will look flatter and healthier.

    4. You will eat more fruits and nuts

    With this you will provide more fibers and, therefore, more healthy glucose that will guarantee the energy that the body needs to function on a day-to-day basis.

    5. You reduce the chances of suffering from diabetes

    The diet without carbohydrates is related to the incidence of diabetes.

    In certain cases, the sugars contained in carbohydrates cause diabetes. Therefore, it is advisable to eat complex carbohydrates, difficult to digest to avoid the release of insulin.

    6. Muscle strengthening

    When you eliminate carbohydrates, you strengthen your muscles. This is because you will favor the consumption of proteins and other nutrients necessary for the health of your muscles.

    A no-carb diet can pay off

    It may be that carrying out a diet without carbohydrates generates controversy among specialists.

    However, we remind you that each person’s body is different and, therefore, has different requirements. With that said, make sure you have the support of a professional throughout this stage.

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