5 Medicinal Herbs To Purify Your Blood

If you want to purify your blood naturally, you should know that this is a procedure that basically consists of the consumption of certain plants, whose properties favor urination and, therefore, the elimination of waste.

When you frequently feel tired and feel that your skin is dry, dull and even inflamed, you may need to improve your lifestyle habits, or supplement them with a good detox.

It should be noted that a detox is not, in itself, a cure, a treatment, or a lifestyle. It is just a supplemental measure that can help supplement a healthier lifestyle.

good nutrition


Before carrying out a detoxification plan or making drastic changes in your diet, it is important that you consult with your doctor for a physical evaluation and, based on this, indicate whether the plan is suitable or not.

Since the following natural drinks promote urination, it is important to ingest the right amount of both food and fluids, to prevent the body from breaking down.

However, it is important not to resort to candy, fried foods and carbonated drinks, as these will completely sabotage the detoxification process.

Instead of looking for these options, you can opt for the following fruits: grapes, lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, blueberries, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, apples, etc.

Natural infusions purify your blood

1. Burdock

This is a plant that has bactericidal properties, therefore, it is used as an ingredient in treatments for skin rashes and acne.

Now, the roots and leaves of this plant have purifying, laxative and slightly diuretic properties, therefore, you could take advantage of its infusion to purify your blood. It is recommended to consume a maximum of two cups a day. 

2. The elderberry

Elderflowers are widely used as a natural diuretic, since its components have been proven to promote urination and, therefore, fight inflammation.

Therefore, it can be found on the market either in the form of an infusion or in tablets. In case you opt for the infusion to purify your blood, you should only drink one cup, after each meal.

3. The nettle

The infusion of nettle leaves and branches is also a good option to purify your blood. Like the other options, it has diuretic properties that favor the elimination of waste through the urine and, therefore, help to ‘cleanse’ the body and improve the concentration of hemoglobin.

4. The dandelion

Dandelion infusion is an excellent hepato-renal drainer. It also has a mild laxative effect that helps eliminate toxins and therefore purify your blood naturally. You should not drink more than 3 cups of your infusion per day, as it can lead to blood pressure decompensation or loss of potassium.

5. The swab

Another plant with digestive and diuretic properties that will help you clean your blood is hyssop. However, you must be careful and do not exceed 3 cups a day. You can also find it in capsules at herbalists. 

Some considerations

Remember that all excesses are harmful to health. Therefore, do not drink any of these drinks more than 3-4 times a day and do not skip meals or stop drinking water, since, instead of being able to purify your blood correctly, you will only get weaker.

Also do not forget that it is not convenient to combine all these infusions. Try doing your cleansing with just one and evaluate how your body reacts. In case you observe any unfavorable reaction, discontinue its use.

As mentioned on other occasions, it is extremely important that you consult with your doctor before proceeding to take any natural remedy, since he will be the one who can best guide you about what is best for your health and what is not, depending on of your current condition.

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