5 Masks To Have A Soft And Youthful Skin

To get a smooth and youthful skin it is not necessary to resort to expensive treatments. There are many very effective beauty tricks found in recipes, which have been passed from generation to generation, made with natural products. 

The great advantage of using natural ingredients is that they are not harmful for different skin types (dry, oily or combination). Except for an ingredient allergy, of course.

Regardless of how old you are, you can opt for any of these masks for smooth, radiant and healthy skin. We guarantee that they all have very flattering effects. On the other hand, you will not make a significant investment. All you have to do is go to your cupboard or, failing that, to the supermarket.

1. Yogurt and banana mask for smooth skin

Yogurt and banana mask for smooth skin

Banana is a highly recommended ingredient to soften the complexion. This is due to its high doses of potassium, which helps delay skin aging to keep it healthy.

In addition, in this mask we combine it with honey, an ingredient known for its ability to hydrate and restore the skin. Its frequent use repairs the aggressions suffered by the skin in the environment and, incidentally, prevents infections.

Finally, we propose to use natural yogurt, which contains probiotics and antioxidants that are very good for the dermis. Its topical application helps regulate the pH and reduces the negative effects caused by the sun and pollution.


  • A banana.
  • Honey.
  • Natural yogurt.

Preparation and application

  • Prepare a puree with the ripe banana.
  • Add a tablespoon of natural yogurt and another of honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients well.
  • Place the mask on your clean, dry face.
  • Leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the mask with plenty of water and enjoy your smooth and glowing skin.
  • It can be applied twice a week  for best results.

2. Cucumber mask for smooth and hydrated skin

This mask is to give an extra luminosity to your skin. Cucumber is highly recommended due to its large percentage of water and its high concentration of vitamin C, it  hydrates, cleanses and adds shine.


  • ½ cucumber.
  • Plain or Greek yogurt.

Preparation and application

  • Peel the cucumber, cut it into slices.
  • Mix the cucumber with the yogurt.
  • Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and dry your face.
  • It can be applied once a week.

3. Yogurt, oatmeal and royal jelly mask

Yogurt, oatmeal and royal jelly mask

This mask is ideal to obtain smooth skin. Royal jelly, in addition to softening, contains moisturizing properties that are very beneficial for mature skin.


  • Royal jelly powder.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Plain or Greek yogurt.

Preparation and application

  • Mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth paste.
  • Apply the mask on the face.
  • Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm, dry water.
  • You can apply it once a week before exfoliating your skin.

4. Apple, milk and honey face masks for smooth skin

By applying this mask wrinkles can be prevented. Honey is widely used in beauty products for its moisturizing, astringent and softening properties.

Therefore, this mask is ideal for treating blemishes. For its part, the apple is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which help to have a soft, young and radiant skin.


  • A green apple.
  • Low-fat milk, so as not to add more fat to the skin.
  • Honey.

Preparation and application

  • Peel the apple and cut it into pieces.
  • Puree the apple chunks.
  • Add the milk and honey to the puree.
  • Mix all ingredients well.
  • Apply to the face and neck.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • You can apply it between 2 and 3 times a week, you will see how you will get a smooth and radiant skin.

5. Orange and egg white mask

Orange and egg white mask

This mask has a rejuvenating effect. Oranges have toning properties that act against aging and also help to firm the skin and give it greater elasticity. On the other hand, egg white is rich in protein and minerals.


  • Egg white.
  • Lime juice.
  • Almond oil drops.
  • Orange juice.

Preparation and application

  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  • Apply the mask on your face and neck.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of lukewarm water.
  • You can apply it once a week.

Homemade masks can be an alternative and a complement to the treatments prescribed by a specialist, since they have very beneficial natural ingredients. Therefore, they are ideal for achieving smooth, youthful and radiant skin.

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