5 Home Remedies For Worms

The main symptom of intestinal worms is anal itching and all family members are exposed to contagion. We present you some remedies so that you can eliminate them.

Pinworms live in the lower part of the large intestine  and are usually most affected by children. To avoid contagion, you have to find a timely remedy and take extreme hygiene measures.

But how do they reproduce? Females work at night depositing tiny eggs around the anus. Faced with a case of infection, it is important that everyone at home carry out preventive treatment and take measures, because contagion happens just by touching sheets, food or objects.

As long as the eggs exist, the infection will not go away. Since these survive up to 2 weeks outside the body. That is, the same person can become infected because they stay in different parts of the body and the infection flares up again when they put their hands in their mouth.

What are the symptoms?

Boy with worms

Unfortunately, a large number of infections are asymptomatic. In particular, the affected person has itching around the anus that usually worsens at night. Look at these symptoms:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Abdominal distension.
  • Headache, nausea, and dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Yellowish face
  • Grinding your teeth, especially when sleeping.
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Intimate infections.

What steps can I take?

Once the doctor indicates the appropriate treatment, the worms will go away in about 15 days. However, even if there are no worms, the eggs remain.

Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the treatment two weeks later since the possibility of re-infection is very high. Take the following into account :

  • You have to keep your nails trimmed and take extreme hygiene in your hands.
  • Wash the clothes of the affected person with hot water  and clean the home with a disinfectant.
  • Daily bathing is essential, especially in the area of ​​the anus.
  • Avoid putting your hands in your mouth.
  • If there is an infected in the family, it is important that everyone is treated to prevent reinfection.

Natural remedies to fight worms

In addition to those measures we have mentioned, you can try some r natural remedies that will help you fight against parasites.

1. Garlic, pumpkin seeds and mint

Garlic, pumpkin seeds and mint to kill the worms

Among the qualities of garlic, its antiseptic and antibacterial power stands out, capable of eradicating worms. While pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc, it supports the immune system. And the expectorant qualities of peppermint help soften attached parasites.


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds (10 g)
  • 3 mint leaves


    • First, chop the garlic and put them in a mortar.
    • Next, peel the pumpkin seeds and also place them inside.
    • In the same way, add the mint.
    • Mash until a single mixture is formed.

    Drink 1 tablespoon a day of this preparation, do it for at least a week. If you think it has a very strong flavor, you can reduce it with water.

    2. Peppermint with mineral water

    Peppermint also acts as a natural antiseptic that helps sterilize the body and reduce intestinal worms.


    • Peppermint leaves (10 g)
    •  Mineral water (150 ml)


    • First, bring the mineral water to a boil and add the mint leaves.
    • Keep on low heat for 5 minutes to concentrate.
    • Remove and let it rest for 10 minutes at room temperature.
    • Later, strain the infusion.

    Drink 1 cup of the remedy a day  on an empty stomach. Repeat for two weeks.

    3. Thyme

    Thyme infusion for worms

    Thyme is one of the plants that contains thymol, a substance that has bacterial effects capable of destroying fungi and pests. In addition to reducing flatulence and digestive system problems.


    • ½ liter of water
    • 2 tablespoons of thyme leaves (20 g)


    • To start, bring the water to a boil.
    • Then add the thyme leaves.
    • Simmer for 10 minutes.
    • Wait for it to rest until it is warm.
    • Finally, strain and drink on an empty stomach.

    It is essential that for no reason you mix it with other drinks and that you avoid sugars and flours. Drink it for a week.

    4. Carrot juice with lemon

    Carrots are an excellent ally for digestion since they are rich in fiber. But its antioxidant properties also help purify the body. For its part, lemon provides antifungal benefits that help eliminate foreign substances in the body.


    • Carrots (300 g)
    • The juice of one lemon (5 ml)


    • First, you have to wash and sanitize the ingredients.
    • Later, with the help of the extractor, obtain the carrot juice.
    • Add the lemon juice.

    You must drink the infusion immediately. Repeat the procedure for 3 days.

    5. Brussels juice

    Brussels juice

    It is time for you to see Brussels sprouts with different eyes. They have a purifying effect, capable of eliminating liquids and bacteria.  Which helps keep the digestive system in balance.


    • Brussels sprouts (100 g)
    • Carrots (100 g)
    • Lettuce leaves (100 g)


    • First, wash the vegetables and mix in the juicer.
    • Wait a few minutes for a single consistency to form.

    Drink the juice immediately after preparing it. Repeat the procedure for a week.

    Remember that we are all exposed to parasites, the important thing is to prevent or, failing that, seek treatment quickly. These treatments will help you prevent worms from being a problem

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