5 Habits To Alleviate Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Practicing healthy habits can help alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms, avoiding its complications. This time we review the most relevant in detail.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain in the muscles and bones. It is accompanied by prolonged episodes of fatigue, tender points, and sleep disturbances, among others. Are you looking for strategies to alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia?

Although the treatment for this condition includes the administration of some medications and complementary therapies, there are certain habits that contribute to achieving a greater sense of relief. In fact, many of these are advised by your doctor, as they play an important role in coping with pain.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disease whose main symptom is prolonged musculoskeletal pain. Patients who suffer from it tend to feel fatigued and are unable to perform many of their daily tasks normally.

However, the symptoms are considered subjective, due to the difficulty to measure by tests. In fact, many professionals questioned the existence of the disorder due to the lack of objective evidence on its development.

Fortunately, the research that has been done in recent years has facilitated the understanding of the disease and its diagnosis. In fact, this has made it possible to identify its relationship with other disorders such as depression and insomnia.

Fibromyalgia symptoms

In the past, to make the diagnosis of fibromyalgia , areas of sensitivity known as “trigger points” were considered. These, under slight pressure, can cause pain. However, at present they are not so relevant when it comes to giving the diagnosis.

Today doctors take into account the existing symptoms and their durability. So if the pain has lasted at least three months, fibromyalgia is considered. However, other medical tests are previously done to determine its cause.

The clinical manifestations can vary in each patient, depending on their age, sex, current health status and habits. In general, symptoms can include:

  • Moderate or severe fatigue
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sleeping for long periods of time without feeling rested
  • Headaches
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Difficulties in concentration ability
  • Dull pain in the lower abdomen
  • Cognitive difficulties

Habits to alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms

There are many treatments and therapies that help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Although the doctor usually prescribes some complementary medications, lifestyle changes are decisive in reducing the frequency and severity of the ailments.

1. Sleep well

Patients affected with this disease have a harder time achieving a good night’s sleep. As a consequence, a “vicious circle” occurs that has a significant impact on the severity of the pain. Not sleeping well increases fatigue and pain; in turn, pain prevents sleep.

It is essential to take some measures to promote sleep every night. First of all, it is advisable to remove all kinds of distractors from the room, including televisions and electronic devices. It is also favorable to resort to relaxing therapies such as:

  • A warm bath before bed
  • Meditate and do breathing exercises
  • Read a book
  • Do an aromatherapy session

2. Stress management

Knowing how to handle stress is key to alleviating the symptoms of fibromyalgia. This emotional state can make pain and related discomfort worse. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate sources of stress, whether emotional, work or mental.

Also, it’s good to take a few minutes to:

  • To meditate
  • Breathe deeply
  • Practice a fun or relaxing activity

3. Get regular exercise

Running couple

Pain appears to be an impediment to physical exercise. However, contrary to what some think, this type of activity has positive effects on the control of fibromyalgia. Exercise helps maintain stronger muscles and joints. In addition, it reduces mobility problems.

Now, due to the characteristics of this condition, it must be moderate and adapted. Some suggestions are:

  • Swimming and exercises in the water
  • To walk
  • Riding a bicycle
  • Stretching at home

4. Maintain a balanced diet

A good diet is one of the best allies to minimize the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Many of the patients simultaneously present with gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. For this reason, the diet must often be planned with the help of a doctor or nutritionist.

At a general level, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of caffeine, processed and fried foods, as well as foods rich in sodium and sugars. Instead, you need to design dishes that contain:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meats and fish
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Gluten-free cereals

5. Access acupuncture sessions

Woman in an acupuncture session

One of the alternative therapies to alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia is acupuncture. This technique of oriental origin consists of pricking the skin with needles in order to promote a change in blood flow to promote healing of the body and the relief of pain.

According to a study in the  Journal of Rehabilitative Medicine,  people with fibromyalgia who received acupuncture benefited from pain relief for at least two years, compared to those who did not have this therapy. Another similar alternative is acupressure.

Caution: acupuncture can cause pain, light bleeding, and bruising after each session. It is essential to turn to an expert in the field, since bad practice can be dangerous.


It is recommended to keep a record of symptoms and their evolution. This helps you understand what factors can make your pain worse. In addition, it is essential to promptly consult the doctor in case of complications.

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