4 Important Vitamins For Skin Health

In this article we will show you 4 important vitamins for skin health. We will tell you what foods you should include in your daily diet to obtain them.

There are many beauty products that you can find on the market today to satisfy the beauty of your skin. Now, do you know if they really contain the important vitamins for skin health?

Find out what they are and what you should take into account as the main ingredients of these beauty cosmetics that you like to use so much. We will tell you what foods you can include in your daily diet to make the most of all these vitamins.

Importance of vitamins

Body cream with vitamins important for skin health

You should know that the consumption of vitamins is essential in the development of every human being, since they benefit the correct functioning of all the systems, organs and processes of the body, including the skin.

Do not forget that the dermis needs specific vitamins to stay radiant and beautiful in the face of environmental pollutants. Try to include those that we specify below, both in the ingredients of your cosmetics and in your diet.

4 important vitamins for skin health

1. Vitamin A

Mango contains important vitamins for skin health

Another important vitamin for skin health is vitamin C. Here is what is responsible for the firmness of your skin, as it helps to synthesize collagen in the skin, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Otago (New Zealand). This is the protein in charge of providing elasticity to the tissues, as well as their rapid reconstruction in the face of damage caused by age or possible conditions.

On the other hand, it is responsible for reducing and preventing the appearance of spots, since it contributes to the production of keratin in the body; fundamental protein for the formation of new cells. Take advantage of its benefits in foods such as:

  • Citrus (lemon, grapefruit, oranges)
  • Papaya
  • Guavas
  • Yellow pepper
  • Melon

We recommend you read: How to obtain vitamin C without consuming oranges

4. Vitamin E

Walnuts contain important vitamins for skin health

Vitamin E will help you combat the visible effects on the skin caused by age or diseases caused by the sun or other toxic agents.

This acts as a powerful antioxidant (according to this research carried out by the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana), being able to purify the body of free radicals, preserving collagen reserves and cells. To start enjoying its benefits regularly, you can:

  • Regularly add a pinch of pepper to your dishes.
  • Prepare dressings in vegetable oils such as olive.
  • You can also consume walnuts, olives, and sunflower seeds.

Another curious fact is that this vitamin collaborates with the regulation of moisture in the skin. In addition, it helps with the absorption process of vitamin A in the body.

As you can see, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, full of vegetables and fruits, allows you to consume all the important vitamins for skin health. You should also consume a lot of water to stay hydrated. Remember to use creams and products suitable for your skin type.

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