4 Great Ideas For Making Recycled Toys. You Will Be Fascinated!

There are many options for making recycled toys. The objective is to promote creativity, ecology and economy, in addition to working as a play therapy where the child is surprised. In this article we will give you some examples, enjoy them!

Why make recycled toys?

Don’t you get the feeling that kids are an ordering machine? They are insatiable. As soon as they have what they want, they are thinking about the next thing without enjoying what they just received.

Parents find it difficult to contravene their wishes. Therefore, whenever it is in our hands, we fall into temptation. To be honest, it would not be unreasonable to consider yourself addicted to our children’s smiles.

Therefore, we propose a different way to succumb: make recycled toys. On the one hand, they have new entertainment and, on the other, they learn to appreciate what surrounds them. We teach them to take advantage of what they already have.

Ideas for making recycled toys

1. Ocarina with straws

Ocarina with straws

If the little one prefers to drink from a straw and you have a house full of these, you can make an ocarina with them. You just have to cut them from largest to smallest and glue them with cellophane. If you want to settle them a little more, you can use glue or glue between them.

This alternative is as fun as it is educational. Keep in mind that in addition to the manufacturing process, he will explore his creativity with the musical instrument. The sounds are very stimulating for them, so they will have a lot of fun with their new toy.

The best thing is that these will not have a very high volume, so it will not bother us at all. On the other hand, his fragility will teach him to take care of his things, without you having to repeat it over and over again. They are the main stakeholders in conserving them.

2. Animals with clothespins

Making recycled toys is also a way to bring them closer to the world. In this sense, we propose the following: draw different copies on a sheet. Later, cut them out and glue them to the clothespin. These will work as a grip system.

What if we put on a puppet show with them? You can even make up the story together and act it out for the rest of the family. In this way, you will work on many important aspects of their life, without them realizing it. Now, you have to be alert to get the most out of this toy.

To begin, you have the opportunity to review some content of the school through the plot of the play. To achieve this, you will use that imagination that surprises us so much about the little ones. At the same time, you train your memory and the ability to speak in public.

3. Formula 1 cars with cardboard

Formula 1 cars with cardboard

This one is a bit more complicated, but not much more. The first thing we need is the cardboard of the toilet paper. Afterwards, we paint it with markers, as you like the most. The next thing would be to open two holes on the sides to put the wheels.

Through them we will introduce two ice cream sticks to which we will stick a bottle cap on each end. And you will have your racing car!

It is a good idea to draw a person’s torso on cardboard and stick it to the car, as a driver. You can make one for each member of the family or cars dedicated to school friends.

4. Small boats with corks

Small boats with corks

Tie three or four wine bottle corks. You have the option of doing it with threads or with the rubber bands of the shoe boxes. The latter are more interesting, since they fix them better. Thus, you will obtain greater buoyancy, do not forget that he will hallucinate when he sees him in the water.

On top of one of them, put the mast with an ice cream stick on which you will stick a piece of cloth  that will act as a sail. Thanks to these boats, you will enliven the bathrooms in a very unique and ingenious way.

Again, there is the opportunity to invent stories and adventures, this time of pirates. Fun is assured. In addition, these activities help us to get to know our children better. Their worries, fears, phobias and filias always come out in these games.

As you can see, making recycled toys is more than a way to save money. It is a bet for their education and for spending time together. Although they demand many objects, what the little ones value the most is sharing good times with their family, do you dare to try this path?

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