3 Traditional Remedies For Asthma And Cough

There are several home remedies that can support medical treatment, if authorized by the professional.

Asthma and cough are two of the most common health problems. Fortunately, both have treatment and to obtain them, you only have to go to a medical consultation. Additionally, there are some traditional remedies that can contribute to the relief of some discomforts and that can also help you regain strength.

It is common for people, at some point in their life, to try the typical remedies from the grandmother’s pharmacy made with natural ingredients. By doing so, they are not only physically relieved, but comforted, given the atmosphere of familiarity, care, and affection around them. All of this is very flattering when it comes to promoting improvement.

Yes, the fact that a remedy comforts you can contribute to relief. Be careful, that does not mean that the problem will be cured from the root and that all discomfort will be eliminated the first time. What it means is that, along with good medical treatment and good lifestyle habits (such as eating healthy, resting and hydrating well), it can promote recovery. In addition, psychological relief also adds its two cents.

1. Natural onion remedy for cough

Onion for sprains.

One of the main remedies that is recommended in the popular sphere to relieve asthma and coughs is made from a very common ingredient in cooking: onion.

The onion is a food to which antioxidant properties are attributed. This is because apart from being a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, it is rich in flavonoids, according to the experts of the Association 5 a day.

When combined with other sources of antioxidants, such as lemon juice and honey, its effect is considered to be more far-reaching and even helps to strengthen the defenses.


  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • ½ kg of red or purple onions
  • 7 tablespoons of raw honey (175 g)


    • First, cut the onion into slices, squeeze the two lemons and reserve.
    • In a skillet, preheat the sugar over medium heat. Stir constantly until golden brown.
    • Next, add the onion, cook for a couple of minutes, and add the water. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat until the water is reduced to a third. Let it cool down.
    • Add the honey and lemon juice to the mixture and stir everything well.
    • Let it sit overnight and in the morning strain the liquid and store it in a glass jar.
    • Consume in moderation while in discomfort to get relief. Try to avoid taking more than 3 tablespoons a day.

    2. Ginger-based cough remedies

    Ginger is also an option for natural cough relief. It has been proven that in addition to having analgesic properties, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

    If you want to take advantage of the benefits of ginger, you can consume it in several ways. Pay attention to the three that we propose:

    • Chew fresh ginger.
    • Drink an infusion of ginger (with a touch of lemon)
    • Prepare a honey syrup with ginger.

    Honey and ginger syrup for asthma and cough

    Remedy with honey, ginger, lemon and garlic


    • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
    • ½ teaspoon of ground ginger (2 g)
    • Optional: lemon juice, fresh garlic cloves.


    • Mix the ginger well with the honey so you don’t inhale it when you consume it.
    • When you have a homogeneous product, take a teaspoon before each meal.

    Note : ginger may be contraindicated in some cases, especially if you are taking any drug treatment, so it is recommended that you consult your doctor first before starting to consume it.

    3. Radish and honey remedy for asthma and cough

    Radish slices.

    Radish is a food that, in addition to being a source of fiber, is a source of protein, vitamin C and sulfur compounds, according to experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation. So it might be a good idea to include it in a remedy to relieve discomfort caused by asthma and coughing.


    • 1 black radish
    • 3 or 4 tablespoons of honey (75 or 100 g)


    • First, you will have to wash the radish well and let it dry. Take off the bottom and cut off the top.
    • Put the radish in a suitable container and add between 3 and 4 tablespoons of honey.
    • Cover the cutout at the top. Let it sit overnight.
    • Consume in moderation.

    What else can you do about asthma and cough?

    As we have mentioned before, the traditional remedies discussed here can contribute to the relief of problems such as asthma and cough when taken in moderation as a complement to what the doctor may indicate and good lifestyle habits. They are not a cure as such, but rather methods of alleviating some minor discomfort and promoting recovery.

    Remember that it is essential that you stay well hydrated, rest and eat healthy so that you regain strength and can feel better. 

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