3 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Quickly

Varicose veins can cause a multitude of discomfort if neglected, ranging from poor physical appearance to cramps and bruises.

How much attention do you pay to the back of your body? Due to its location, it is difficult to see that area so it is not uncommon that one day you simply discover the dreaded varicose veins. This happens even with the front of your legs , Have you noticed? Most of us pay the most basic attention to our bodies, especially if we have a busy day. . In case you have noticed that varicose veins are becoming a problem, try these natural remedies to forget about varicose veins.

What are varicose veins?

Why do varicose veins appear

Before talking about its natural remedies to forget about varicose veins, it is important to know that l Varicose veins are dilated capillaries that are usually red or blue in color . They can appear in a very small area or be present in a large portion.

For this characteristic they are known as spiderlings. They tend to appear more regularly on the sides of the legs and calves. You could also find some on your face.

Typically, you won’t feel any symptoms or pose a serious health risk. However, when they are very large or too many they can cause itching and burning.

What are the causes of varicose veins?

The appearance of varicose veins largely depends on your genetic inheritance, but you can take steps to reduce the likelihood of developing varicose veins. . The factors that you must have controlled are:

  • Overweight and lack of physical activity
  • Obesity
  • Oral contraceptive intake
  • History of blood clots
  • Wearing clothes that are too loose
  • Circulation problems

Taking this into account, you surely already have a general idea of ​​natural remedies to forget about varicose veins. In any case, here you have them:

To forget about varicose veins:

1. Do low intensity exercise that improves circulation in the legs

Exercise clothing fabrics, capes and pockets

Maintaining the correct circulation of your legs with easy exercises is the first and easiest of the natural remedies to forget about varicose veins and bruises without cause.  Accomplish this by performing daily low intensity exercises . If you don’t know where to start, try:

  • Take a walk with your dog in the morning and another in the afternoon
  • Do a stationary bike for 25 minutes daily
  • Do household chores that require you to to walk
  • Walk up and down two flights of stairs in the morning and at night

In addition to avoiding varicose veins, these exercises will help you stay healthy for many years.

2. Wear compression stockings

Wear compression stockings

The second of the natural remedies to forget about varicose veins is perfect if these are already a visible problem.

Compression stockings improve your circulation by maintaining the natural shape of your legs and giving them support. . You can find them in high, low and medium compression in any large supermarket. To choose yours take the following considerations:

  • Low compression. They are ideal if they have very small varicose veins and they are very few. These stockings are very similar to commercial ones of a lifetime. You can use them from a couple of hours to the whole day, depending on how you feel comfortable.
  • Medium compression. We recommend using them if the varicose veins are already visible to the naked eye and are not too large. Use them for at least 6 hours, especially when you are standing or not having a lot of physical activity.
  • High compression. You should use them if you already have very noticeable varicose veins and have noticed bruising for no reason. Try to use them for as many hours as possible a day.

You may feel some discomfort for the first few days, especially with high compression. If you prefer, you can start using them for a couple of hours and increase the time each week until you feel comfortable.

To buy these stockings, no prescription is required and their care is the same as any other stocking in terms of hand washing and use of mild soap. Their cost may be slightly higher than the normal ones but they are thought to be more durable so they are quite worth it.

If you do not want to buy the stockings but you want the same effect, try to bandage your legs . This is a cheaper but less practical and comfortable method.

3. Raise your legs occasionally


Another way to activate the circulation of your legs is to elevate them for a few minutes. To do so, you can:

  • Lie down on your bed and prop your legs on the wall or on two or three pillows
  • Lean back on the couch and support your legs on the armrest
  • Sit on the floor and put your feet on the seat of a chair

It is important that you keep your legs in that position for a maximum of 20 minutes and then slowly lower your legs to avoid pain . You should never sleep all night in this position because when you lower your legs you may have a sensation of pain when you blood circulate down.

Try to do this exercise at least once a day. Ideally, you should do it three times a day if the varicose veins are very large.  What do you think of these natural remedies to forget about varicose veins? Put them into practice and maintain beautiful legs without complications.

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