3 Main Benefits Of Sardines

Eating fish is essential. Seafood products offer essential nutrients for the formation of tissues and for the development of the physiological reactions that take place in the body. Therefore, below we are going to talk about the main benefits of sardines, so that you include these products in your usual diet.

Before starting, we must emphasize that sardines are within the group of blue fish. These foods are characterized by their higher lipid content, which is why they have a higher energy value compared to other less fat varieties, such as hake.

3 benefits of sardines

The consumption of sardines is recommended. These foods are found in the Mediterranean diet and the Atlantic diet, two of the most prescribed by nutritionists. We are going to present you, then, its 3 most important benefits.

1. Muscle health

Sardines contain a significant proportion of proteins of high biological value. This means that they have all the essential amino acids and are highly digestible.

According to a study published in the journal Nutrition Research , protein intake becomes essential when it comes to preventing the progression of pathologies that lead to muscle atrophy.

Therefore, a consumption of at least 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day is recommended in sedentary adults. This reduces the risk of loss of lean tissue, which is associated with poorer health.

But proteins are not the only components in sardines capable of improving muscle function. These foods also contain omega 3 series fatty acids. These nutrients have been shown to preserve the health of lean tissue, preventing the appearance of dysfunctions and their catabolism.


2. Benefits of sardines for bone density

One of the most frequent pathologies in women who have passed the menopause is osteoporosis. This disease causes a progressive reduction in bone density, which increases the risk of fractures, conditioning the quality of life.

Regular intake of calcium is essential to prevent the development of this disorder. The good news is that sardines (especially their bones) contain large amounts of this micronutrient. According to a study published in the journal Maturitas , regular calcium consumption reduces the incidence of osteoporosis in adult women.

Thus, the presence of sardines in the usual diet is recommended. But it is important that when eating them, the small thorns they contain are not discarded. Only the central should be thrown away, as due to its large size it can cause choking.

3. They improve cardiovascular health

We have already mentioned that sardines contain unsaturated fatty acids. A strong association has been demonstrated between the consumption of these lipids and a reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it is recommended that blue fish appear at least twice a week in our dishes. 

The contribution of fat in the diet is also related to a reduction in blood pressure, which is important in the case of patients with cases of essential hypertension. Also in those susceptible to vascular disease.

In addition, sardines have a strong competitive advantage over other larger fatty fish, since they hardly contain heavy metals in their composition. Therefore, there is no compelling reason to limit their intake or to exclude them from the diet of sensitive patients, such as pregnant women.

Plate of sardines.

Include the benefits of sardines in the diet

As you have seen, sardines are foods from the sea that benefit health due to their nutrient content. They must appear in the diet with some regularity. Thanks to their small size they are not a danger from the point of view of the accumulation of heavy metals.

If you suffer from cardiovascular problems or want to reduce the risk of developing bone pathologies, it is recommended that these foods increase their presence. On the other hand, its consumption is essential in the case of athletes, since they contribute to the maintenance of bone mass and its function.

Finally, it should be noted that certain care must be taken with the cooking methods to which the sardines are subjected. It is important to avoid fried foods, since the fact of applying high temperatures to lipids is prone to the appearance of trans fats, which are harmful to health.

It is best to always cook them at a low temperature, in the oven or on the grill. It is also valid to buy them canned.

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